C32 - He Was Addicted to Eating Watermelons

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Sun's father's revelations gave Zhao Yuegu a deeper appreciation for Walden's worth.

He never imagined that such priceless treasures could be hidden deep within the mountains.

The mere title of an ancient Ming Dynasty village was enough to draw in throngs of visitors.

Inevitably, it would also attract investors looking to speculate and profit from the area's potential.

Walden was like a juicy morsel, tempting everyone to come and take a bite.

Was Sun's father harboring similar thoughts?

Zhao Yuegu's eyes fixed on Sun's father with a guarded expression.

Feeling the icy stare, Sun's father experienced a shiver down his spine, as if preyed upon by a wild beast.

Yet, when he turned around, the sensation vanished without a trace.

Zhao Yuegu's face was adorned with a guileless smile.

"There's no greed in his eyes, only deep respect," he thought.

"If he had ill intentions, he could've easily tricked me and taken the rosewood. No need for honesty."

Watching Lin Fu meticulously care for the rosewood furniture, Zhao Yuegu's doubts faded.

After all, this man was a figure of renown throughout Strathmore Province.


His daughter had always been right by his side.

He should stick to farming; when the time came, he'd handle whatever needed to be done.

"Once this road is completed, there might not be much money left."

"But that could be an opportunity to lease all the village land."

"With more land under cultivation, the system's rewards will surely increase."

Zhao Yuegu's confidence surged.

The village elders were getting on in years.

Farming was no longer suitable for them.

As long as they had food on the table, they'd gladly entrust their land to Zhao Yuegu.

Perhaps he could even consider building a retirement home and inviting some doctors to the village.

"Still, it'll be a few months before the road is ready."

"One step at a time."

Zhao Yuegu's mind was busy with plans for Walden's future development.

In a way, the whole village was akin to his own estate.

This was his home.

It was at this moment that Sun Ying's exuberant cheers broke his train of thought.

"Boss, Director Xu is finally awake."

Xia Guo looked ashen, her legs shaky and her steps unsteady.

Without knowing she was carsick, one might have thought she'd been through an ordeal.

Xia Guo cradled her head, her gaze toward Zhao Yuegu brimming with gratitude.

In her semi-conscious state, she vividly felt the strength of his back as he carried her onward.

For a moment, her entire world seemed to hinge on that back, and his perfect profile appeared to glow with an endless radiance.

A profound sense of security filled her heart.

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