C10 - Mission: Protect the Vegetable Field

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Lin Luqin playfully punched Zhao Yuegu in the chest, closing the distance between them significantly. As dusk settled in, Lin Luqin was drenched and fishless, while Zhao Xueman had managed to catch two fish, both bearing the unmistakable bite marks of Big Yellow. "This dog is incredible," Lin Luqin exclaimed in admiration. Zhao Yuegu affectionately patted the dog's head, "That's nothing. Big Yellow can even catch rabbits in the woods."

He casually lifted the bamboo basket, revealing more than a dozen fish of various sizes. "Wow! When did you set this up? You caught so many!" Lin Luqin's excitement was palpable, mirrored by the cameraman's look of astonishment. The fishing was meant to give Lin Luqin a taste of mountain life, where not catching any fish was the norm. The crew had even considered staging a catch for her, to capture the thrill of the catch on camera. But seeing Zhao Yuegu's haul, they scrapped that idea. After all, a good catch is a good catch, and Zhao Yuegu's charm was sure to reel in plenty of viewers.

In the live stream, fans were sending a flurry of comments. "666, Mr. Watermelon's fishing skills are unbeatable." "Luqin needs to take notes!" "I thought Mr. Watermelon was just good at growing watermelons." "Those fish are huge, a couple of them could feed several people!"

Meanwhile, Zhao Yuegu released all the smaller fish from the basket back into the stream. "Why let them go?" Lin Luqin asked, puzzled. "If we catch all the small fish, there won't be any left in this stream eventually," Zhao Yuegu explained, a sentiment well understood by the mountain folk. They would only resort to eating these small fish in dire circumstances.

Lin Luqin gazed into Zhao Yuegu's eyes, her own reflecting a hint of distraction. "People from outside the mountains don't understand this. In their greed, they pollute the rivers and drive species to extinction..." She trailed off, her voice a mere murmur. Despite her celebrity status, she knew better than to voice these concerns too loudly.

Corporations that wreak havoc on the environment and expect the public to foot the bill don't care about the consequences!

Her advocacy for environmental protection led to her being completely blacklisted by powerful financial interests.

Had they adopted the development methods from beyond the mountains, this place would have been uninhabitable, and Walden Village would have ceased to exist.

The villagers here hold a deep reverence for nature and the land they live on.

Zhao Yuegu has always upheld this tradition.

Indeed, any villager would do the same.

Suddenly, Big Yellow began furiously barking into the thick woods.




"There's a wild animal!"

Instinctively, Zhao Yuegu pulled Xueman close and shielded Lin Luqin behind him.

"Everyone, stay close. Don't wander off."

A rustling noise emerged from the dense foliage.

Big Yellow's barking grew more intense, and Lin Luqin clutched Zhao Yuegu's clothing tightly.

The camera crew armed themselves with sticks and pointed their lenses toward the commotion.

Before long, a wild boar with sharp tusks and a hulking, dark figure lumbered out of the woods and made its way to the opposite bank of the creek.

"That's quite large."

Lin Luqin gasped, covering her mouth.

The wild boar was as tall as half a person, its size beyond comprehension.

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