C28 - The Female Director with Strong Willpower!

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Aura is something cultivated over time.

Such an atmosphere is cultivated through nurture.

The white-haired gentleman was impeccably dressed in a suit, exuding a steady presence that hinted at a complex identity.

The woman with glasses was strikingly beautiful with an icy demeanor, radiating an ineffable sense of pride.

So much so that Zhao Yuegu could easily detect the old man's reverence for the young woman.

As for Sun Ying...

Well, there was no need to elaborate.

She was simply an ordinary girl.

No match for the likes of him.

It was Sun's father who broke the silence.

"You must be Lin, the young friend. I'm Sun Ying's father."

"Hello, Uncle."

"This is Director Xia Guo, dispatched by our superiors to investigate the exorbitantly priced watermelons. We'd like to inspect your watermelon field to understand the situation better."

Zhao Yuegu, now aware of their intentions, acknowledged Xia Guo with a nod.



Despite her aloofness, Xia Guo shook hands with Zhao Yuegu. Her grip was cool but gentle, her fingers marked with calluses from long hours spent writing.

"Since you're heading to the village, I'd be better off leading the way."

"That would be great, thank you."

Sun's father accepted the offer without a second thought.

"I can't just come out here and return empty-handed. It's not easy for me to get away, and I need to haul some things back." Zhao Yuegu knew that a trip out would take at least three hours, and returning empty-handed would be wasteful.

Sun's father turned to Xia Guo, unable to decide on his own.

"That's fine."

Xia Guo eventually gave her approval.

A smile spread across Sun's father's face as he responded.

"If you need help, I can arrange for someone to assist with the transport."

"No need to go to such lengths. Too many vehicles could slow us down, and those unfamiliar with the terrain might easily run into trouble in the mountains."

Zhao Yuegu politely declined, not wanting to delay their journey.

He then exchanged a glance with Sun Ying, who immediately caught on. She opened the car door, slid into the driver's seat, started the engine, and pulled onto the road—a testament to the discipline of a true professional driver.

Everything seemed second nature to him.

"I'll hop in first," Zhao Yuegu said, gesturing toward the vehicle before climbing in.

Sun's father and Xia Guo followed in another car.

During the drive, Sun Ying filled Zhao Yuegu in on the details, clarifying the situation.

It turned out he was being investigated by someone tasked with stabilizing market prices!

His exorbitantly priced watermelons had raised suspicions of market disruption, prompting the inquiry.

Zhao Yuegu didn't resist; he responded with considerable respect.

Thanks to such regulators, the common folk could enjoy high-quality goods at fair prices, and merchants were deterred from arbitrarily hiking prices.

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