C37 - High-production Colza Oil

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Zhao Yuegu was utterly astounded.

The yield from this plot was astonishingly high.

And the seeds—these colza seeds were significantly larger than ordinary ones, with hardly any shriveled or hollow.

"How much oil can we extract?"

Zhao Yuegu was filled with anticipation.

Yet, the process of making colza oil was a lengthy one.

It began with washing, followed by steaming, and finally, the traditional method of pressing.

Ma Yabei was by his side, meticulously documenting everything.

"With this high-yield colza oil alone, you're set for life."

Zhao Yuegu paused, taken aback.

"Being set for life isn't everything; I have bigger aspirations."

"Having ambitions is great. What's your aim?"

"To become the wealthiest person in the world."


"You don't believe me?"

"Not unless you own an abundance of land."

Their casual conversation made time fly by unnoticed.

When they finished pressing all the seeds they had, they stumbled upon an astonishing fact.

"100 catties of seeds yielded 58 catties of oil!"

"That's an exceptionally high yield."

"Typically, 100 catties of seeds would only produce between 30 and 40 catties of oil."

"Let's press some more and see."

Subsequent attempts yielded results consistently close to 60 catties!

Ma Yabei grasped the significance of their discovery.

"So, your acre of colza seeds could rival six, or even eight acres of others' yields?"

"Theoretically, yes, but variations in soil and climate could affect the outcome."

"Still, that's more than enough!"

"If this colza oil could be widely adopted across the country..."

Ma Yabei was speechless, her hand covering her mouth, unable to envision the implications.

Zhao Yuegu just smiled.

"Helping humanity shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"You'd be nothing short of a global hero."

Zhao Yuegu scratched his head, humbled.

All he could think was how powerful the system truly was!

"You should get in touch with the authorities as soon as you can. The national reward you're likely to receive could benefit you for a lifetime."

"If colza oil became widespread, our nation might well break free from its reliance on imported soybeans."

"Plus, the nutritional value of colza oil far surpasses that of soybean oil!"

Ma Yabei was so excited she was shaking all over.

Zhao Yuegu furrowed his brow.

"Report it? That might actually be a good idea."

Ma Yabei had a point.

If she were to cultivate it herself, the yield would be slightly higher.

But if the nation were to adopt it...

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