chapter -11

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Sophia walk away to her room, feeling a mixture of emotions.
On one hand, she feel lucky that the king didn't immediately throw her out...
But on the other hand, being apart from theo and locked in her room for three days feels completely unbearable to be locked away from him for three whole days.

"What did you do?"mathilde whispered in Sophia's ears from behind when she was lost in her thought.

She turned back shockingly on hearing a voice and takes a sigh of relief on looking Mathilde standing there.

"What?!"sophia asked confusinglyy.

"My father and brother are arguing in the green throne room, I assume you had something to do with it."Mathilde replied

"Probably....I may or may not be grounded for three days for taking your brother swimming in a lake."sophia informed awkwardly

"Oh...i take it you were seen?"mathilde assumed.

"Yes....i didn't even think there could be photographers watching us."sophia clarified

"It's all my fault "sophia said with guilt clear in her eyes.

"Oh please, theo is grown up and I'm sure you didn't blackmail him into the brother hardly comes in the influence of other people, I'm sure he doesn't regret anything "mathilde consoles her.

"Expect now, i don't get to see him for three days"sophia said disappointedly

"Oh damn! Okay I guess you And I will be seeing a lot more of each other than." Mathilde informed.

"You'll come visit me?"sophia asked

"Of course I will , I'll bring you some good books and...."Mathilde replied

"Give me your phone" Mathilde ordered

"Why?"sophia asked confusinglyy

"Just give it to me"Mathilde said and takes Sophia's phone from her hand and started dialing something.

"What are you doing?"sophia asked confusinglyy

"There, now you have Theo's number, you two can text when you're under house arrest."Mathilde said while handling her phone back.

"I know, I'm a genius"Mathilde said flaunting her hair

"Is that allowed?"sophia asked shockingly

"It's not, not allowed..."mathilde replied

"Anyway, I have to run, but you should text him, I bet he's worried about you"Mathilde said

"You're the best" sophia complimented

"Tell me something I don't already know!" Mathilde giggled and went from there.

Sophia picks her phone to text theo

Sophia picks her phone to text theo

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