Chapter 2 - A Risky Proposition

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[Lex Pov]

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I turned on my computer and prepared for the race, the familiar hum of my computer filling the space of my tiny one-room apartment.

I still couldn't believe that an entire year had passed since I first crossed paths with Max in the virtual world of iRacing, and the thrill of our rivalry had yet to fade.

As I logged into my account the memories of our very first encounter flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but smile at the thought of that first victory. I still vividly remembered the rush of adrenaline as I crossed the finish line ahead of him, the sheer disbelief washing over me as I realized what I had accomplished. I had jumped up and down with joy, unable to contain my excitement as I celebrated a triumph that seemed almost too good to be true.

But since then I had won time and time again, I thought and grinned like an idiot at the screen in front of me. Well, to be fair... I hadn't won every race. On the contrary, Max and I were fairly even matched. Sometimes he won, sometimes I did.

We usually met up several times a week to race, although I still refused to talk to him or show him my face. I couldn't quite explain it either. At first, I had been worried that he would recognize me somehow... but then... it just became normal.

We texted every once in a while, usually whenever one of us had to cancel a race. Although never about anything personal, never anything deep.

I knew about as much about him as anyone with access to the internet.

Still... I liked racing him. His driving style was one of a kind and the more we raced against each other, the better I knew him. By now it felt almost instinctual. I usually knew which turns he would take flat-out or which gaps in the field he would go for.

I checked my messages and raised an eyebrow, reading over his proposition.

"Let's make things more interesting," his message read. "If I win, you finally turn on your camera and voice chat and show me who you really are, Lex. If you win, I will fulfil one of your wishes."

I hesitated for a moment, my heart racing as I considered his offer. The idea of revealing my true identity to Max was both thrilling and terrifying... But then, an idea began to form in my mind, there was something I really wanted but wasn't likely to ever get to do without him.

With a deep breath, I typed out my response. "All right, if I win," I wrote, my fingers trembling slightly as I pressed send. "I want you to teach me to drive a real race car."

I bit my lip nervously as I waited for his reply, my stomach churning. Looking at my current circumstances this was most likely the best chance I would ever get to race a sports car. By day, I was a waitress, scraping by to make ends meet after I had run away from my parents because I was unwilling to accept the path they had chosen for me.

They had wanted me to follow in their footsteps, to pursue a life of privilege and prestige. They had let me study international business... not because they believed in me and wanted me to be successful, no, they had financed my education at Cambridge for me to find a rich a**hole to marry and start popping our heirs... male once preferably.

It had taken me far too long to realize their true intentions, only grasping the full scope of their plans after listening in on them talking with each other at night, discussing my future as if I was a chess piece in their game.

I left that night. Refusing any contact with them altogether. Ever since then, I have fought for myself, working as a waitress in a small seaside café. It paid the bills. I had a roof over my head and food in the fridge. But being taught how to drive a real race car... Now that was something I wouldn't be able to afford... maybe ever...

Racing was my passion, my escape from the real world. Paying for my measly set-up had meant doing double shifts for three months, but it was worth it.

As Max's response appeared on the screen, my breath caught in my throat.


The race was intense. The roar of the engines drowned out all other sounds as I pushed myself to the limit. Lap after lap, Max and I traded positions, each manoeuvring for the slightest advantage in a relentless battle. With every twist and turn of the track, my heart pounded in my chest, the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

And then I crossed the finish line ahead of Max, claiming victory.

I nearly couldn't believe it. I had done it. I had really won! Ecstasy surged through my veins as I leapt to my feet, cheering triumphantly in the confines of my small apartment, just as hard as the first time I beat Max. The rush of adrenaline was intoxicating, a heady mix of joy and exhilaration that left me breathless with excitement.

I looked at the replay on my screen and Max's message popped up.

[Max POV]

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[Max POV]

I couldn't help but smile at the screen in front of me, even though I had just lost.

Meeting Lex in person was even better than online. I still knew close to nothing about her besides the fact that she was a girl and worked in a café. And even that piece of information she had only revealed to me after I had complained about cancelling on me for 4 nights in a row.

Now I couldn't wait to finally meet her for real. She was an incredible racer.

I turned off my computer and reached for my phone. I needed to make a few calls...

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