Chapter 10 - Racing hearts

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[Max Pov]

I was relieved to hear that Helmut and Horner managed to talk to Checo, and even more so that he seemed genuinely happy about the idea.

After all, asking a driver like him to step back from racing, even if it was just temporarily, wasn't an easy task. But his response was filled with relief. He was happy to get some time off and help his wife with their new baby.

As he boarded the plane to Mexico, I wished him all the best, knowing that he would return to Formula 1 eventually.

[Lex Pov]

Signing the contract with Red Bull felt like a monumental step for me, but I knew I needed to keep it under wraps until my father's own contracts were finalized. I didn't want him to have any chance to pull out at Visa Cash App RB and somehow suck up to Red Bull as well. So I asked Helmut and Christian to keep quiet, and together we decided to announce the deal only after my father had signed his sponsorship contract with Visa Cash App Heineken RB.

As Max and I returned to the airport and prepared to board his jet, my phone rang, displaying an unknown number. I hesitated, unwilling to answer, but Max urged me to pick up. After all, it could be someone from Red Bull. He was right of course, so I answered.

"Hello?" I asked, unsure of whom to expect.

"Hello Lexie, Dear," my father's voice rang through the phone.

I ripped the phone away from my ear and turned to Max.

"My father!" I mouthed, shaking my head. "How did he even get this number?"

I moved to hang up, but Max caught my hand and stopped me. "Wait. I bet it's about the contract."

I bit my lip. There was a strong possibility that that was true... and I did want to know what was going on... I took a deep breath and put him on speaker, gesturing to Max to be quiet. I didn't want my father to find out who I was with.

"I heard Red Bull offered you a contract for the rest of the season. Congratulations, of course!" my father's voice chimed. I recognized his friendly tone. It was false, all a charade to make his counterpart feel comfortable.

"Yes, they did. I just signed it," I replied, feeling a knot form in my stomach.

"Well, that's wonderful, but Lexie, have you really thought about it? I mean, sure, right now Red Bull has the quicker car, but with my investment, we will turn the Racing Bulls into the fastest team on the grid. Under my guidance and-"

I stiffened at the word "guidance," knowing all too well what it really meant. He wanted to control me. I interrupted him, hoping to end this conversation as quickly as possible. "Dad, I'm happy with the decision I made. I think Red Bull will be good for me."

"But Red Bull only offered you a seat for what? Half a season? Come on now, Lexie, don't be ridiculous. Be a darling and send over the contract. I'm sure my lawyer can get you out of it," my dad said, his tone shifting. Now he was starting to become truly angry. He probably hadn't expected to hear me arguing back.

"I don't want to get out of the contract." I responded.

My father laughed derisively into the phone, his voice now filled with rage. "Lexie Margriet van den Bos! You will send over that contract and drive for MY team. You ran away four years ago, but no more! Your antics have to end! You will do what I say! Have I made myself clear?! You will no longer disgrace this family with your childish behavior! Send over that contract and get back to our house. You can move right back into your old room!"

His words made me feel so small, and I didn't know what to say. All I could do was watch, as Max intervened, taking the phone from my trembling hand and ending the call. He blocked my father's number and turned his attention to me, putting my phone off to the side and taking my still trembling hand in his.

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