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Everyone was still drained from yesterday event but the day was still waiting for their wake . Some guest began their journey back to there kingdom immediately the marriage conduded that to induding Dwarka royals.

Those from far were escorted to guest chambers were they spend a night raising to embark on the journey early morning. While from a distance Pandavas chariots stood fully packed with their things and those given as they await to depart to Kandav Prasth.

Everyone was still healing from shock of both Maya and Dushala bidai which was unexpected until the presence of her mother-in-law was announced who turns out to be Kanha's foster mother Yashoda, who arrived revealing of her intension of taking her daughter-in-law to their home.

They watch silently as Angraj offer his Rashmi to take them along revealing of his wives heading back to Anga that evening and they could nothing apart from sending both the Kuru princess to their in-laws places even none knew the identity of Dushala husband which both refused to reveal.

The Pandavas sat together talking about their childhood in the forest with their small family which even though they didn't have a luxurious life but they had a peaceful life. They were relieved atleast they won't have to fight for throne with their cousins and maybe the distance will help to reduce the conflict.

Though life won't be the same but they'l atleast be away from danger and live peaceful just like in their childhood the only difference their father and Choti Ma won't be with them.

Everything was concluded and Yudhisthir was officially handed over the land of  Kandav Prasth. The Sabha was summoned and as usual the women watched from the balcony as the 4 Pandavas stood at the center behind their eldest brother and Drupadi who stood on the front.

The happiness on Dhritrashtra face didn't go unnotice and neither did his words hid as he blessed his nephews on this their new journey knowing now the throne of Hastinapur will be ascend by only his son.

Everyone saw the injustice he did to his nephew but none had the courage to point it out not ready to give Shakuni a chance to manipulate their words.

The Sabha was over but Shakuni halted it by clearing his throat attracting attention and everyone knew he has something on my mind which he wanted to bring forward.

"Shakuni, is their anything you want to say "

Dhritrashtra questioned understanding the gesture while Pandavas supporters seeing his blinking eyes and him exposing his small teeth they he was up to something which will be against the Pandavas.

"Maharaj ,I just wanted to congratulate Pandavas on this their new journey but the matter is about Devi Kunti"

Shakuni uttered innocently his eyes staring around curiously where he met with confusion or narrowed eyes

Seeing impatient Dhritrashtra he added,

"I meant Devi Kunti is Kulvadhu of Kurus and Hastinapur is her late husband's home.She was married and brought here by late Maharaj Pandu who entrusted his family to you. So theirs no need for him to go along with Panduputras since this her husband's where she was married.

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