toddler karn, war of pandu

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All three now the complete family travels back to there house the house was in the suta community but it was fairly well made then the others adhirath goes ahead and open the house and all went in adhirath then arrange a small bed for karn as soon as possible and then Radha kept karn in the bed and started to make food and yet she always kept eye on karn and never leave him apni for a single movement when ever adhirath came home he also caressed karn at every moment he got now karn drinks milk and grown strong as he never left doing constant alomevilom breathing he started to getting the hang of the inner strength and spiritual energy and concentrating on it time went by like this and he grown a toddler of 2 year old he had learned not only walking but also he has starting to different types of exercise and yoga and meditation in meditation he tends to remember all the knowledge he has as a scientist in his previous world and all the knowledge he had gain in his previous life he also observe different people in the neighbor and play with other children he has learned different fighting styles from wrestlers and kshtriya from armed and unarmed combat and also tends to listen the debates and Veda path in the temples and try to understand and make a thing out of it his parents has noticed he is not a normal child but like some kind of prodigy and they supported him but at same time they thought him the norms of the society that had to be followed by the time flows karn grows and learns different things he has started going to forest and learn from there by seeing animals, forest dwellers, and fishermen as much as he can he has learned archery to basic level and loves and he always tries to help other people's in need the side of original karn acting up time passes and he is now 3 year old. He has heard about the most of the people residing in the palace and the royal family perk of being the son of the chariot of the most elder person mahamahim bhishm he learns about the act mahamahim did in gandhar and the marriage of ghandhari to the blind Prince dhitrashtra after hearing it from his father he becomes super angry and made a tantrum out of it but he never get the chance to meet her and now he has heard about the second marriage taken place in the royal family of hastinapur between Maharaj pandu and the princess of kuntibhoj kunti and today they are coming to the hastinapur he was excited but also sad as he knows that kunti is her birth mother but she can't except him ye he is happy with us current parents but the blood is acting up and he decided to make a welcome plan for them in the nagar and with his archery skills he made the shower of Lotus flower over them and with a satisfactory look he then tend to greet the kind and the queen but his father adhirath take him away and scolded him as they dosent have the right to pick the weapons and with a deep heart he retrieved from there and left after that and tend to follow the same routine in morning waking up doing Surya Puja and yoga and exercise then helping people and at the same time Playing with others and understanding athe heart of the current age of the people after that going to the forest and learning there till the dusk Surya Puja and then retired in the bed after dinner and before sleep recalling his previous life knowledge.

Today is an usual another day and karn is recalling and planning what to do in future.

Karn: - in mind “hmm so now the both prince are married it's not so long that the birth of the Pandavas and the Kauravas are and the exile of king pandu 🤔 hmm I think I have to gain as much experience and knowledge as possible as soon as I can as it's not that long that I have to make my travel to the Adobe of lord parashuram but there is some time in that for now let's make myself as much prepare as I can hmm”.

In the heart of the hastinapur the royal palace of the kuru dynasty where resides the main character of the Mahabharat one of the players is making there move as the preparation are been done for the first night of the king and queen the king pandu is in the chamber with all the elders of the family and a discussion is going on about how to fullfill the request asked by the allied Kingdom for the help in war as who should lead the soldiers in the war let's listen them.

Bhishm: - no pandu there is no need for you to go I shall leed the troops in the war you shall remain here afterall today is your first night.

Satyavati: - yes bhism is right pandu there is no need for you to go a king gets many wars to fight but it doesn't mean he has to fight in every war.

Dhitrashtra: - yes the king has many opportunities to fight in the war but the first is the first the enemy is trying to gage the competence of our new king it's the duty of pandu to lead the troops and shut this Invaders for good or other allow me to lead the troops in the battlefield I myself will bring the enemies of hastinapur on there knees😤.

Pandu: - No! Jyeshtha how can you go it's my duty and I shall fullfill it allow me to go, jyeshtha is absolutely right tatshree and Rajmata I have to go myself and show these trespassers what will become of them when they try to raise there weapons against hastinapur.

Bhishm: - if you've decided then it shall be procide I shall arrange all the necessity get ready.

Pandu: - ji tatshree.

With this on the first day of there arrival at hastinapur king pandu is now going to war but before that now he is walking towards his room towards his wife kunti.

Pandu: - kunti I think you've heard already it's the DHARM! Of the kshatriya and a king to protect his people and Allies and I shall do my duty I wish you will see me off with pride and honour befitting a kshatriya woman.

Listening this kunti turned away and walk to another room and from there see being a Puja thali and came near pandu.

Kunti: - Arya I will do my duty as expected of me with honour and dignity.

With this she does pandu’s tilak and see him off after that pandu left for the war and kunti wept in the dark of her room.

To be continued……

Well now I will post the next chapter tomorrow I think my chapter and the title are helpful and all are enjoying the story I wish no one feels it as boring.

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