planning- 1

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After the meeting with the minister karn now was alone in his house lost in thoughts yes he new about the war the roles and everything that is about to happen and all in the name of establishing Dharm well it was the mistake from chitragupta Ji then Yamraj took me to tridev and they fulfilled my wish so why should I bother with any of there plans I will follow my path as always anyone who will come in my way will pay the price and yes offcourse I will never do ADHARM yes offcourse I will follow the dharm that I've defined and my both guru's support it too so who cares about what others thought I want to give something to all and make a society that provides opportunity to all to that goal I will do everything thing as i remember in the original Mahabharat everything revolves around hastinapur, Kauravas, Pandavas, draupadi and yeah indraprasth but is that all even needed yeah they are dev Putra all of them so what there is no need for them to establish Dharm when all except the true meaning of Dharm in there heart that will be the establishment of DHARM not some skirmish between brothers can establish Dharm no I will not follow anyone I will pave my path and lead the whole society.

It's been 27 years till the birth of our karn today he with some of his ministers and soldiers like home minister, finance minister, foreign minister out traveling towards dwarka as before after the meeting karn and his ministers decided to send a praposal of there intention to dwarka and make a proper meeting time and a month before the acceptance of the meeting was confirmed and now they are going to meet the Yadav's of dwarka.

In dwarka:
What do you think kanha about the new king of Magadh and his intentions?

Dau the new king of Magadh is indeed intresting but rebellious towards the paths that been already paved.

So is he good or bad kanha you just excepted his meeting praposal and don't even talked with the ministers what are you thinking kanha tell me.

Dau dau dau! Have patience if someone doesn't follow the path already choosen and strive to make his own path wether better or worst it doesn't mean that person is adharmi he is just special that's all. Let's just wait and see who is the new king 😊😊 smiling mischievously.

After 2 days of travel the convoys of Magadh arrived at dwarka and the soldier of dwarka escorted them towards the palace. Where the royal family of dwarka was waiting for their arrivals.

First the Vasudev(Krishna birth father) pranipat Magadh Naresh.

Karn: - pranipat Vasudev

Then balram and Krishna both pranipat to karn maharaj and karn did the same after that karn and his envoy retired for the day in the chambers for the meeting that will happen tomorrow.

Karn Pov: dwarka is really beautiful and balram and Krishna both proceeds to there competence as the Avtar too there aura are so similar to gurudev but my control is better then them maybe the restriction they have due to been born mortal hmmmmm.

Thinking about more and more stuff karn retired for the day and wake next morning did his Surya Pooja and Dan and then came to palace and changed after the breakfast all the members of Magadh and main members of dwarka sabha minister and the royal family not representatives and all were assembled in the meeting room in the palace and seated and with the word from the dwarkadhish Krishna the meeting started.

foreign minister Magadh: - delegates of dwarka I'm happy to see all the members in the room in good health and spirits I wish that the objective that we all have get fulfilled in the meeting today, ( with a break and seeing all he speak again) the members of the assembly I the foreign minister of Magadh is here by presenting the objective that we all are here to discuss about our king maharaj karn has a desire to create change in the society as the whole in aryavart and to obtain the goal we need the support of Magadh as our king wishes to do a rajyasurya yajna so we are here to discuss about the terms on which we all can agreed.

KARN A Change Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat