post war, Vanvas

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Kunti: - Arya I will do my duty as expected of me with honour and dignity.

With this she does pandu’s tilak and see him off after that pandu left for the war and kunti wept in the dark of her room.

After the war King pandu of the kuru dynasty of the kingdom of hastinapur came after tasting the sweet taste of victory and marriage with head high due to the valor shown in the war and getting married to a beautiful maidan the sister of warrior shalya and the princess of prestigious kingdom of madra princess madri who will become the mother of two beautiful yet strong warrior both the king with is new wife is now at the gates of the royal palace of hastinapur let's see how the play follows.

Random maid: - queen, queen the king has returned from the war after defeating the enemies my queen.

After the maid getting the reward for the information she gives she left the room after that the long friends and the maid of queen kunti arrives and speak.

Priyamvada: - kunti Maharaj pandu had taken a second wife under his wing if you didn't loose up you will soon lose the place in the palace you have to came above your thoughts your first born is long since gone there is no reason to think about it now please go and greet your beloved.

Kunti: - how can you say that priyamvada you are my you should help me in this situation how can Arya do this we haven't even had our first night and he brings a second woman it's, why only I have to endure such fate why me priyamvada.

Priyamvada consulate her and then help her get ready and get her to the gate of the palace after that she accepts madri and they retired for the day next day in the royal court king pandu make an unusual request for rest and go for some vacation after the consultation of the family members its been decided that dhitrashtra will be the intern king in the absence of king pandu until the return of the king he will make sure all the working of the court run smoothly.

For several days the family of King pandu and his two wife's were enjoying the days in the forest while hunting in the forest they found the ashram of Rishi kindam and his wife who were child less as Rishi kindam was always busy in meditation and his rituals the royal family has put all there efforts in there vacation for the service of Rishi kindam several days past the routine didn't change until one day when king pandu and his wife were out on hunting, queen madri were flirting with king pandu and throughout the way king pandu was hunting the pray with his archery skills all of a sudden a sound came hidden in the forest the sound of a tiger after hearing it madri as king pandu to hunt the tiger and after hearing the requesting plea of his wife he send a arrow towards the animal using sabdhbedhi arrow. After hearing that the arrow has hit something king pandu moved towards the sound and after reaching there he was shocked and scared.

King Pandu pov in mind.
"What I've done it's horrific now what should I do I thought that's an tiger but it's Rishi kindam and his wife now I can't escape this I've to except the fate and go with it."

King Pandu: - sorry rishiwar I was aiming my arrow towards a tiger how it hit you have mercy bhramandev have mercy.

Rishi kindam: - Maharaj in your blindness you mistook and misinterpreted the sounds because of you my bloodline will perish because of you I was not been able to give my wife the pleasure of child I curse you king pandu I curse you....

King pandu: - no rishivar have mercy don't give curse.

Rishi kindam: - no king pandu no!! I curse you "you killed me when I'm going to consumate with my wife so when you will try to consumate with your wife you will die!" I curse you king pandu.

After getting the curse by the Rishi kindam and getting a sin of bharaman hatya king pandu with his family returns to royal palace and tells his family about the whole situation that had been occurred while they were in there vacation and with the consultation the royal family decide further and king pandu leave the Kingdom for redemption after relinquish his right to throne as he has done a sin and been cursed with his wife he left for the forest and dhritarashtra retained his position as an intern king until the next generation takes the throne several days passed while pandu and his wife are in the forest and a great turmoil is been created within a royal family due to the curse of pandu and even after having the boon to have 100 sons queen ghandhari the devotees to devadi dev Mahadev is still pregnant for more then a years and still didn't have gave birth to a single child because of these reasons people in the royal palace are been disregarding her even after so much giving her to suffer end the king dhritarashtra made relations with her wife maids forcefully. Now all the people of royal family are worried about the next generation of the kuru dynasty and pandu is also thinking about the same and talks about it with his two wife's often now in the forest pandu and her wife kunti are seating and kunti is trying to speak with him.

Kunti: - Arya I wanted to told you something from some times but not been able to due to some reasons but you see the situation we are in this can help us in solving all problems of our family for an heir.

Pandu: - what is it kunti tell what is it that can help us in making the next heir to our dynasty?

After that kunti narrates the whole story of getting the boon from Rishi durvasa for her service to him and how she can ask any god for an son but she didn't disclose anything about karn to pandu after listening to kunti pandu's face lit up in joy.

Pandu: - I'm so happy Kunti why didn't you told sooner this is wonderful thankyou kunti.

To be continued.....

Next will be birth of Kauravas and Pandavas with a progress report of are karn so get ready for a long chapter 😁😁 and thanks for all these votes we'll when I started I thought I'm writing this story so that I can read it myself in future for fun but so many people reading it and liking it it feels awesome and people who are also writer you see I'm writing this but I wanted a story wanted to read if you want we can work on it together you know for having fun the topic I was think is like why don't we make a crossover of anime word in Hindu mythology it will be fun just think rimuru tempest, anos voldigod, Goku in Mahabharat 🤔🤔🤔 just so much fun it will be.

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