planning - 2

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After the agreement between both the nation of Magadh and dwarka today the delegates of both the nation's are in the royal court of dwarka for the final seal on the 📝 memorandum. The court of the dwarka was very beautiful and shows the prosperity of the nation the convoys of Magadh was provided with the seats in the court besides the seat of karn which was kept near the seat of balram dau.

The court hearing proceeds and all the terms and conditions of the memorandum was spoken articulately between the members of the court after listening to the conditions all waited for the confirmation and the court agreed whole heartedly as Krishna and balram dau was already are in the favour of the memorandum 📝. After the completion of the working of the court the royal family and guest went for the lunch where karn told everyone about his departure to his nation except the foreign minister as he will be establishing an embassy in dwarka a system created in magadh.

In the evening stroll karn reached the training grounds of the dwarka and saw balram dau with Krishna there seeing karn Krishna greeted him.

Karn: - pranipat dwarkadhish, i was just taking a walk and I didn't know you both will be tranning at the time.

Krishna: - training is necessary maharaj even if it's the ground of peace or the war.

Karn: - indeed dwarkadhish tranning is necessary for both body and brain if one need to walk on the ground of peace.

Krishna: - magadh raj we have heard so much about your valor and your fight against jarasandh Would you mind to show us the glimpse of your valor.

Karn: - I'm sure you are not suggesting a duel between you and me dwarkadhish.

Krishna: - ohh no magadhraj I'm suggesting a duel between you and dau. Dau didn't you want to duel Magadh Naresh.

Balram dau: - offcourse kanha i would love to. We should have a duel magadhraj.

Karn accept the duel and both the warrior choose gadha as the weapon and stood facing each other the duel started and goes for straight 1 hour in this time karn and balram both understood each other standing in the gadhayudh while karn has upper hand in Speed and stability balram dau was far stronger in all other expect like strength, strategy, mobility, vitality. So at the most if both fight a actual war karn could never be able to defeat balram dau and dau will only be able to defeat karn in 3 times out of 10 and all 7 other would be draw.

After the training session the next day karn and his convoy was about to leave when Krishna speaks to Karn.

Krishna: - a person should always wait for the right time to make a move otherwise it will give swore taste magadhraj.

Karn: - and who decides and who will tell when the time is right dwarkadhish if the things doesn't changes in time or took delay to change than it itself becomes poison.

Krishna: - indeed magadhraj I will be waiting for our next meeting.

Karn: - me too dwarkadhish.

After the small talk karn and his convoy left for Magadh except his foreign minister.

In magadh, few days after the arrival of karn in the meeting room.

Ekalavya: - Maharaj we have already made all preparation for the probable war to come I've divided the army for defence of our nation and for the attack as well.

Defence minister: - we have also made all the weapons you ordered maharaj.

Sometime before karn gave some sketches of weapons and defensive equipment majorly for the defence of the nation and the navel forces yes he thought about some Arial development but he was not as it need time to build and tested as it's much harder in comparison to navel development.

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