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   "Winner when did you start lying?" asked my angry Dad. I looked at him without uttering a word. I turned to the right and saw Chibuikem sitting beside his mother smiling wickedly at me,so he is the brain behind all these after all.

     "Look, I think we should ask her first before we conclude?" inquired my mum skeptically. She sat beside my Dad.

" okay-"

"ask her what? are you trying to say that my son is lying?"chimed Chibuikem's mum.

"are you also trying to say that my own daughter is lying too?"My mum asked

" Is it not so obvious."

"Mummy Chi-"

"it's okay women!" My Dad inquired sternly. I noticed that my Uncle-Chibuikem's Dad wasn't saying anything at all. He looked like he was already tired of the whole Drama between my mum and Chibuikem's mum.

    "Um.. good evening Daddy, good evening Uncle, good evening -" I started sheepishly but was interrupted by my angry mum.

"would you get straight to the point my friend? speak up!" Thank God my Sister's were in the room sleeping. They didn't go to School today because Peace was sick and needed a lot of attention hence they both had to missed School. I wish I had the opportunity to but I didn't because my School isn't far and plus, I can dress myself up and walk to School all by myself now.

   "um.. I lied because -"

" oh finally! she has said it, have you heard mummy winner! before you'll let my husband chase me out of the house." Chibuikem's mum retorted angrily. My mum looked at me with bitterness and disappointed in her eyes.

  "Go on.." My Dad suggested.

"okay Daddy.. I was angry at Chibuikem, so I lied -"

"what did he do to you?"

"He shouted at me one day and asked me to leave the School."

"Is that why you had to lie to your parent... my husband beat him last night because of you, I couldn't take it that's why I had to come here with the both of them today-" Chibuikem's mum  complained bitterly.

" it's okay .. Winner please don't  cause any misunderstanding between us. We are one big happy family. You father is my younger brother. okay, dis you hear me? " Chibuikem's Dad finally spoke up.

" Yes sir. "

" Now, stand up, beautiful girl... I wish I have a daughter like you. " He admired me .

  I stood up shyly and happily too. The next words from my Dad changed my mood completely." Now, Winner and Chibuikem, please excuse us.. we need discuss something important. "

  " Ah! " I exclaimed loudly.

" what is is? " My father asked.

" Nothing Daddy. "

" okay, don't go to the room, go outside.. you'll come and change your uniform when we are done. " The moment I headed for the door, they started speaking in our local dialect -igbo.

" okay Daddy. "

    When we got outside , Chibuikem spoke first. "Winner, I'm sorry I shouted at you that day, I was very angry-"

"and drink too?"

"Drunk?" he asked in surprise and then bust into laughter." oh! winner , you are so dumb! "

" I am not dumb , I know who you are? "

" who am I? "

" Really? are you asking me?

"yes, I am."" Look, I wasn't drunk it's the herbal medicine my mum gave me to drink because of the cough I had. It had a little bit of alcohol in it."

"so you don't drink?"

"Just because you saw me under the Mango tree today -"

" you saw me? "

" you called me. " " I saw the both of you. I don't drink. "

" then why were you there ? don't you know that evil Communication corrupts good manners? "

" Hey , relax.... Bible Scholar.. I need them, okay? "

" For-"

" none of your business. "

" okay then. "

" Good, just mind your own business and don't believe everything they tell you. "

  When they left our house, I kept thinking about everything that happened throughout today.

   The most annoying of them all is Prisca. Mary's new friend and bus mate. The both live in the same place so, they put half of their money together and they both carry each other in the bus until they get to their destination, then they alight the bus, saving them a lot of money. Of course Prisca carries Mary. I mean Prisca weights three hundred pounds. She is so fat but yet very vibrant and hyper active. I though fat people were lazy until I met Prisca. She is so loud that even if you are close to her, she would still shout while talking to you. She kept tagging the Motorcycle riders in the street. she knew all their names because she is a regular costumer I just  met her today but I don't like her at all. She is so odd. She begged me for a scoop of my ice cream and when I refused her , she snatched it out of my hands and shoved it down her throat in one gulp, something I'll do in three gulps.

   I'm amazed and annoyed at Prisca.

When I get to  School tomorrow, I'll ask Mary to choose between me or Prisca. One of us has to leave . We can't stay together.

    Either she leaves , or, I leave!


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