CHAPTER NINETEEN; Third Term Examination

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  To be honest, they aren't wrong when they say"third term is the fastest term in the  School session". Indeed it is. It feels like I've just spent three weeks in Osa School but actually, it's almost two months and hence almost exam time which simply means, 'bye, bye to Osa School FOREVER! " oh! and my best friend too -Mary .

   The same way I want the term to be over, is the same way I don't want it to, because, I don't want to loose Mary.

We've been through thick and thin together. We sit together on Sundays during church services and console each other when we are on our lowest haircut. Mary covers her hair to church with a scarf but because of me, she stopped doing this. I remember the first time we had a fight. Mary brought Bread and Nutella for the both of us to eat on Sunday after Church service as usual. This time, because Stephanie was around, I pretended not to know Mary and worst of all, I didn't eat the Bread and Nutella and that's the worst thing you can ever do to upset Mary, reject her food or waste it. She could literally bite your flesh out if you do that.

     The very next day when I got to School I met her in my classroom sitting in my chair with her School bag beside her. When she saw me, she frowned deeply.

"Um..Mary,good morning." She folded her arms on her chest and sized me from head to toe as if strategizing how she would deal with me quickly. I looked around to be sure that there were students in the Classroom. Gracefully, there was a handful of students in the class room. I suddenly wished the class was full at that moment.

    "Hey are you greeting me when you know it's not coming from your heart?" Mary spat out bitterly.

" I.. how did you know.. "

" Because you keep ignoring me in church, everytime Stephy is around. "

" No, I don't -"

" Yes, you do. so stop lying and guess what? "

" What? "

" Stephy doesn't like you-"

" She does-"

" No, she doesn't, I'm her cousin, she says a lot of bad things about you. "

" Like? " I asked as I joined her in my sit. Surprisingly she adjusted for me to sit beside her.

" Look, she keeps talking about how you don't wear fine dresses to church, how you don't like wearing earrings and how you don't like combing your hair! "

" oh! wow.. I .. thought we were friends. "

" Stop decieving yourself, Stephy doesn't like you! she is ashamed of you because when you are with her, Brandon doesn't talk to her and she likes Brandon. "

" What? " I gasped as I heard those words form her. So it's true, Stephy lies Brandon. But that's so strange because Brandon is fat and rude and plus he doesn't like me, so, that part makes sense.

   " You don't like me, but I like you , you like Stephy but she doesn't like you, she thinks you are disgusting. " Mary said sadly.

" Mary, I like you too but, it's just that? do you always have to hold Stephy's baby Sister's lunch box everytime to church? I mean can't your Aunty or Stephy do that?"

" That's not possible that won't because that's my work-"

" Are they paying you? "

" Well, yes... they give me food and some money every day, they pay my fees and also they send money to my parents in the Village. "

" Mary, you know this is a government School right? "

" Yes. "

" We don't pay School fees here, only P. T. A. " I lowered my voice down to a whisper because of the warning we've recieved from Mr. Dele.

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