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   The third term examination in Osa School   was for two weeks. For almost two weeks, I've been taking my examination unhappily and consoling my self after wards. Not a only was I taking my examinations, I was also joining Mary to Mr. Dele's office in the Library everyday not to study or discuss with him but to help him out with his Class register and his examination Scripts.

   Mr. Dele didn't hesitate at all to put a red pen in the hands of Mary and I. I think he did this because almost all the teachers, in facet all the teachers were doing it. It seemed so normal to them. I wasn't comfortable with it but Mary was

She always looked forward to helping him out again.

   On one occasion,Mary and I were marking Mr. Dele's examination script when water from a cup on his desk poured on one of the scripts. The script was so wet that one would have to dry  it up and use a Stele-scope to see the answers for marking. When I suggested this, Mr Dele just waved my point off with his hands. He put his glasses on, squinted at the paper and then said"I think his name is Abubaka Lawal.... look for his name and put 25 marks for him." What? I widened my eyes in disbelief as Mr.Dele squeezed the wet script and dumped it in the mini trash can beside his desk. Mary, without hesitating, took the register form his desk and searched for his name seriously. When she found it, she replaced the red pen she was holding with a blue one and then wrote boldly on examination column;"25" .

    You might be wondering, 25 over what?

Well, it's 25 over 60. Mr. Dele is so generous right?

   I whispered to Mary after a while "Why did you do it? you should have said no."

"are you okay? If it was you wouldn't you be happy?"

"me? how? what do you mean?"

"stop pretending Winner, if it was you that water poured in your script and someone gives you 25 marks for free won't you be happy?"

"of course not! because I know I can get higher than that if my script is mark-"

"well, that's you not him. He might not even get up to 15 marks if we mark his script. Look at all the ones we've been marking since , the highest we've seen so far is 23. And there are in JSS 3 (grade 9)."

   It was when she said this that I realized that she actually had a point. The scripts we've been marking since, none of them scored anything above 25 how much more 30. I don't blame them still because,if the teachers were teaching they wouldn't be scoring anything lower than 30 in majority.

  "Please you people should hurry up so I can send you. I need you to get.... Well ,sit down ..mark this and ......all of this... ." Mr. Dele said as we walked into the library today . I didn't mind at all because after today, tomorrow is the last day of School and as we all know, I would be saying bye bye to Osa School and all it's annoying teachers forever.  Mary and I were very hungry but We still sat down to help him out with the examination Scripts.

  When we were done, he asked us to go to the Vice principals office down stairs to get paper tape for him as usual. This is something odd that Mr. Dele does. He never sends us out of the library individually, he sends us out together.

     While we were heading to the Vice principals office, we were discussing between ourselves.

   "Mary , I'll miss you. so after tomorrow I won't see you again?"

"Yes... I'll be in London." She said happily.

"Me I won't be in London but I'll be in a good School. I'll be able to keep my hair. " I said happily as I pulled my full hair that hasn't been in the saloon since the beginning of the term.

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