Chapter 44

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Harry's P.O.V

From there, we had decided to get something to eat as it was nearing lunch time so Tahira had decided to take us to C.P. after all. C.P. apparently was the short form of Connaught Place. She took us to a restaurant that was very popular and served South Indian food.

We had fun, chatting about random things and Pooja also told us how well the fans were taking the news of my engagement.

After lunch, she took us to a small shop which served... something like popsicles but in a cup with the flavoured syrup we wanted so that we could keep eating it until the ice was finished, or melted. We sat in the car having it otherwise Tahira wouldn't have been able to eat it because she was driving.

Tahira showed us around C.P. after that. Traffic there was a lot but Tahira had been expecting it so she just took some shortcuts she knew and got us out of there fast. I was surprised that Tahira knew the roads like the back of her hand even though she's been in England for five years now, but she said she's just visited this place a lot as a child.

We went back to the house after that, deciding it would be better to visit other places some other time. Pooja was staying the night at the house, her bags were already up in Tahira's room. Niall looked very happy when he got to know about it but then when he saw I was looking at him, he just blushed and looked away.

That night, I was woken up by a ruckus going on somewhere in the house. I frowned thinking who was up at this time of the night because the clock said it was 2 o' clock in the morning. I debated whether I should go and check or just leave it be but then decided to get over with and quickly got dressed.

When I walked out of my room, I had to quickly step back because it was the same time that Tahira was walking across my room "Hey, what are you doing up this late?" I asked and she shrugged

"Pooja and I were having a movie marathon. She went to get some popcorn fifteen minutes ago and still hasn't returned so I was just going to check on her. What are you doing up this late, Harry?"

We started walking towards the kitchen "Heard a ruckus and woke up from it. I was just goin..." I trailed off as we reached the kitchen and I felt my eyes widening.

Pooja was there in the kitchen alright, but not alone. Niall was there too, laughing and talking with Pooja. "I think someone just abandoned me on our movie night." Tahira whispered and I laughed slightly. We silently observed them for sometime while they were completely oblivious to our presence.

I heard Tahira cough beside me and their eyes snapped towards us before widening and a blush came on both faces "Keep it quiet will you, mate? You woke me up." I said with a smirk and Niall blushed even more "Pooja, are you done with the popcorn?" Tahira asked and Pooja blushed as hard as Niall.

Tahira and I air high-fived each other and laughed at their red faces. Niall narrowed his eyes at me "What about you two? We didn't even make much noise that you woke up, Harry." I waved him off

"Try something else, Niall. We've already went through that teasing phase." I said and Tahira nodded while chuckling "It's getting old, honestly." They had nothing to say to that.

Our time to return back on tour came sooner than I would have liked. After that night, Niall and Pooja had both been a little awkward towards each other but then got over it and became best friends very soon.

The rest of the stay had been wonderful. Tahira had shown us all around Delhi, taking us to an amusement park as well on one day and the historic sights too (it was near the amusement park). No one had thankfully recognised us so everyone was still unaware as to where Niall and I were, though I had thought we saw some fans roaming around the city but they hadn't seen us.

"Have you got everything?" Niall asked and I nodded "Yeah. You?" He nodded as well. We had packed up our suitcases, including a few souvenirs we had bought for everyone. Omar was driving us to the airport, but Sara and Tahira were staying home (unfortunately) since they had guests coming in a while.

"Have a safe flight you two." Omar said as we stood at the departure gate. Niall and I smiled and nodded "We will. Goodbye, Omar." I said and he smiled just as our flight was called. Niall and I went through the formalities before we stepped onto the plane 20 minutes later.

"This was a good idea you know." Niall said as we took our seats on the plane and I looked at him

"Yeah it was." I smiled and looked out the window. "Niall... Do you like Pooja? I mean more than a friend?" I asked and he looked down and shook his head slowly making me frown.

I didn't get it. I mean they've been way too friendly with each other since they made up form the awkward night. And they were closer than friends are. Well, as close as two people who have recently met can be. Niall then looked at me in the eye, and a warning bell rang in my head

"I... I think she might be my princess, Harry."


AN: I'm having a bit of a writers block... The updates might slow because of this... Sorry. Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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