Chapter 47

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Harry's P.O.V

"What were you doing?" I asked after a few moments of silenced passed between us

"I was just studying..." She trailed off and I frowned "I didn't disturb you much, did I?" I asked

"Not really. I was just studying for my pre-boards." She said and I felt my mouth form an 'o'

"When do they start again?" I asked and heard something happening behind her

"Tahira, kya kar rahi ho tum?" (What are you doing?) I heard Sara ask and Tahira replied in the same language but I did hear my name in it

"Harry ka phone aaya hai, Mamma. It's important, promise." (Harry has called, Mom.)

I could hear a faint sigh before Tahira replied "Hey, sorry about that." She said

"It's alright." I said and I could tell she was smiling 

"They started yesterday. My pre-boards." She said and I pressed my palm against my chin before resting my elbow on my thigh 

"How did it go?" I asked and she chuckled slightly 

"It was alright. As alright as you can expect my physics paper to be." I laughed slightly because physics was Tahira's worst subject. She always got confused with it.

"Well, let's just hope it did go better than you think. So when is your next one?" I asked and then it occurred to me that it was almost 3 AM and here I was, talking about exams. The thought made me laugh slightly.

"It's tomorrow. English; so don't worry about disturbing me." She said and I chuckled "Well, that's a relief." We laughed and I heard a groan from near me and a groggy voice called

"Harreh! Stop talking to Tahira and let us sleep!" Niall's voice called out and I laughed

"Oh, zip it, Niall!"

The next few days were tense. I still hadn't told the boys about Zayn's decision and he hadn't called the boys either. When I talked to him about it, he said he couldn't handle their reactions even on the phone so he wanted me to break the ice.

I was so confused on how to tell the boys, tell them so that it didn't hurt them much but I couldn't think of anything. On top of that, I knew the next three months were very crucial for Tahira because the medical college she had looked in London for herself needed high grades, so I didn't ask her for advice either.

"Liam, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked a few days after the call. Ever since that night I had felt like I had a huge burden sitting on my shoulders. Liam frowned but walked to a private corner with me nonetheless

"What's wrong, Haz?" I looked down and sighed "Have you talked to Zayn recently?" I asked and he shook his head 

"He hasn't been picking up my calls. Why? Has he talked to you recently?" He asked and I nodded and he frowned at me even more "What did he say? When is he coming back on tour?" I looked away and that's when Liam realised that there was something wrong. Very wrong.

He put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around to look at him "What happened, Harry?"

"Zayn won't be joining us again." He raised an eyebrow

"For the tour? We just have a month left, Harry. We'll manage with the solos." I shook my head.

"He isn't joining us, Liam. Not now. Not ever." I said and he frowned

"What are you saying, Harry?" I sighed

"He called me a few days ago... He's leaving the band, Liam." He staggered back suddenly as if I had just given him a high voltage shock

"What?" He breathed out

I nodded slightly and he gaped at me "Harry, if this is a joke, it's not a good one." I looked at him and shook my head

"I wouldn't imagine lying about something like this, Liam... He said he couldn't take it... Breaking the news to you three... That's why he hasn't picked up your calls." I said and he looked away from me. Letting out a breath of disbelief he ran his hands on his face 

"What about the other two?" He asked "I still haven't told them as yet... I was hoping you'd help me with that."

"What did Tahira say?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow at him


He chuckled "Harry, I know you well enough to know that you would have told her this as soon as you got Zayn's call." I blushed and he let out a small chuckle "So what did she say?"

"That you guys deserve to hear it from Zayn yourself." He nodded "He should have done that."

"How do we tell the other two?" I asked and he frowned

"Tell us what?"

I inwardly groaned. This is just like a movie scene where the people you don't want to hear your conversation, do just that. Louis and Niall looked at us confused and I looked at Liam "You telling them?" I asked and he nodded 

"You might want to sit down for this." Liam said and we moved from the corner we were in and to the couches in the room.

"Harry got a call form Zayn a few nights ago..." Liam started and their eyes widened "What did he say?" Niall asked and I guessed that Niall had called him too

"He's... He's quitting the band." Liam said and they gaped at us "Why?" Louis whispered and Liam raised an eyebrow at me "You still haven't told me that."

I rubbed the back of my head "You might want to sit down for this too." I said and he complied. All of them looked like they were still processing the fact. Hell, even I was still processing the fact.

I took a seat right in front of them "He first said that he couldn't cope with all the fame... The accusations he was getting was causing problems for him and Perrie..." I trailed off and a look of understanding came on their faces but then Louis frowned at me 

"You said first... What did he say next?" I looked away from them

"He said that he couldn't express himself. As long as he was in the band... He wants to start a solo career." I said and their jaws dropped in disbelief.

"What!?" They exploded and I felt myself shrink back a bit making them calm down a little

"He told you the night I found you talking to Tahira, didn't he?" Niall asked and I nodded. Louis put his hands on his face, resting his elbows on his knees before looking up at me

"Why didn't he tell us this himself?" I looked down again 

"He said he couldn't take it. Telling you lads." I said and Niall started crying silently and I immediately got up from my place, all three of us simultaneously giving Niall and each other, a bear hug. That's telling the boys and now all we had to tell was... My eyes widened in horror.

The fans.


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