Chpater 64

942 44 5

Harry's P.O.V

"Harry, get your lazy butt out of bed!" A voice shouted in my ear, shattering the dream I was having. My eyes snapped open and I jerked awake to my smirking bandmates. I groaned slightly, turning my back on them and closed my eyes again

"Let me sleep." I said and heard them laugh

"Okay. We'll just tell Tahira her groom wanted to sleep instead of getting married to her." Liam said and I sat up on the bed quickly but then shook my head when I remembered something

"The wedding is in the evening, lads." I said and they exchanged looks

"Mate, it's already noon. You need to get up now." Zayn said and my eyes widened

"Noon!? Why didn't anyone wake me up before!?" I exclaimed and leaped out of bed quickly. I ran out the room and into the bathroom.

"Harry! Are you ready!?" Mums voice called out, just as I put my arm inside my tux jacket.

"Almost, mum! Give me a minute!" I called back and quickly put the jacket on. I ran a hand through my hair, styling it a little and rushed out of my room "Ready!" I said as I ran into the living room where everyone was waiting, ready.

"Harry, you're getting married today. You could have at least brushed your hair properly." Gemma said and Louise got up from the couch she was sitting on

"I got it covered." She said, grabbing my hand and dragging me back into my room.

We reached the meadow in half an hour. The tent was covering it completely and what it wasn't, it was covered by snow, after all, in total, Tahira and I had invited about seventy five guests (As little as we could without offending anyone that they weren't invited).

At the entrance of the tent, Omar and dad were standing, talking and laughing with each other. Omar was wearing his traditional clothes while dad was wearing a tux like me. So that's where he was the whole day...

"Ah, son! You're finally here!" Dad called out and I grinned

"Dad, Omar, what are you doing outside?" I asked as they gave me a hug and a pat on the back, the rest of them, going towards the grooms side of the tent.

"Waiting for you. Almost everyone is here. We're just waiting for the imam to arrive." Omar said and I nodded

I saw many of my relatives and friends as I walked up to the stage which was where I was supposed to sit during the whole ceremony. Tahira would be joining me there after we had said 'I do' and signed on the marriage contract.

As I walked towards the stage, it felt unreal that I was standing, walking towards my own wedding. I mean, I was just twenty-one right now. I started feeling a little nervous, my brain still processing the fact that it was finally happening today.

"You alright, mate?" Louis asked and I nodded

"I think so." I said and he chuckled. That's when Omar came up to us

"You boys sit on the stage. The imam is here and the ceremony will start any minute now." Omar said, and we nodded before he left. Taking our shoes off before climbing up on stage, the boys, including Zayn, and a few of my cousins joined me up on stage. Sitting beside me on the couch, squeezing each other with a small laugh.

"I think I'm getting my wedding jitters now." I muttered and the boys laughed at me, patting my back

"Well it's too late to run away now, Haz." Liam said and I chuckled

"Wasn't planning to." I said and felt a hand on my shoulder, turning around, I saw Niall smiling

"It's going to be alright, mate." I smiled

"Thanks, Nialler."

When I looked at my family and friends sitting in the crowd, I knew some were still confused as to why I was getting married like this. I had explained to them as much as I could, but I knew they were just happy to be here.

Just then, a voice rang through the tent, and I knew instantly the ceremony had began. I wondered how Tahira was feeling right now. Was she just as nervous as I was? How was she looking right now?

Though I had a faint idea of that from what I was told. Jewellery made from real gold, but the wedding dress... I was clueless about it.

The voice stopped after a while and then I heard it

"Kya apko yeh nikkah qubool hai?" (Do you accept this marriage?)

Then a faint voice came

"Qubool hai." (I accept)

"Kya apko yeh nikkah qubool hai?"

"Qubool hai."

"Kya apko yeh nikkah qubool hai?"

"Qubool hai."

They all looked at me confused, well apart from Zayn who was grinning from ear to ear

"What just happened?" Louis asked and Zayn chuckled shaking my shoulders slightly

"She said 'I do'." Zayn announced and an understanding look came on everyone's faces as grins and smiles came on their lips.

The imam came on our side soon after that. Reciting the same thing we heard before but now more clearly. He repeated the same thing with me, but thankfully, he asked me if I accept the marriage in English so that everyone in the family understood what he was saying.

"I accept." I said for the third time and he handed me the marriage certificate to which I signed. Tahira's already being present on it, and as I did, the boys cheered and just as they did, the other side of the tent also erupted in cheers

"Mubarak ho!" (Congratulations!)

"Congratulations, Haz! I can't believe you're a married man now!" Liam said and I chuckled

"Join the club." I said and they all laughed, the imam giving a small smile and pat my shoulder

"It'll be fine." He said and I smiled

"Thank you." I said and he nodded before leaving the stage.

And that moment Zaid came into our side of the tent

"She's coming!" He announced and I immediately sat up straight, the boys were smirking at me and I glared at them playfully.

Suddenly, Niall's jaw dropped and I turned my gaze to see Pooja coming into our view. She was wearing a long emerald green sequinned skirt, a top with matching designs of her skirt which showed a little part of her midriff but covered her upper body entirely. She had a long net scarf folded neatly over one of her shoulder, and her hair was curled up, forming small ringlets at the end, but I was confused to see one of her arms raised up in the air.

Farah was the second one to appear. She was dressed something similar to Pooja and her arms was also raised up in the air, and when they walked further in, I realised the were holding up a long rectangular piece of cloth. It was red or maroon, I couldn't really tell from the distance but it was designed with golden patterns on it.

And it wasn't long before I saw my bride under it.


AN: THEY'RE MARRIED!!!! WOOHOO!!!! But please do not think I'll be ending the story after their wedding is complete. I'll tell you guys when I do so please don't stop reading!! P.S. This and whatever will happen is according to Indian Islamic traditions (and what I recently saw in a wedding I attended a few months ago) Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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