Chapter 117

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Harry's P.O.V

An alarm woke us up the next morning. Tahira jerked up in my arms and then groaned. She rolled towards her phone, turned the alarm off and snuggled back into me sleepily.

"What was that alarm for?" I asked Tahira hoarsely because she had already woken up a while ago for her morning prayer.

"Uh... It was for an hour before the butchers came." She said and then jerked awake and sat up. "Harry, we have to get ready!" She said and ran into the bathroom after scrambling off the bed.

I laid there on the bed not moving and heard Tahira groan when she walked back into the room.

"Harry, wake up." She said but I rolled on my stomach and looked at her.

"Why so early?" I asked and she chuckled.

"Getting it done early is better." She said and walked over to Ameera's cot. "See, even our daughter is awake. So will you do the same now?" She asked me again and I chuckled, rolling towards them. I took Tahira's hand in mine and gave it a tug, causing her to fall down on my chest.

I immediately wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my nose in her hair while she sighed.

"Harry, stop being so lazy." She said and I sighed.

"But I don't want to go and see them being sacrificed." I said and she chuckled.

"Should have thought about that before marrying me. Now man up and come down. I'm taking Ameera with me." She said and pulled herself away from me.

"Tahira!" I whined when she did and that caused a laugh to come out of her mouth.

"Harry! I bet the boys are ready too. Shall I send one of them?" She asked and I chuckled.

"You wouldn't."

And how wrong I was.

Not even ten minutes later, I felt three bodies jumping on the bed while voices shouted at me

"Harry, wake up!"

I groaned. "No." I said and felt the quilt being pulled off me.

"Harry, be a lad and get up. Tahira has taken Ameera back to the goats and I think I saw her taking a ride with them too." Liam said and I sat up quickly in surprise.

"Taking a ride?" I asked and they laughed.

"Let's go, Harold."

The three days of celebration passed in a blur. It was a new experience, seeing it all happen and I was really astonished to see most of the meat was being given away to the poor people while there was only a little taken for the house.

Before we knew it, Ameera returned with us back on stage during the concerts and this time, more active than ever. Since she had started to play with her feet, occasionally on stage she'd take them in her hands and rock back and forth on my lap while I tried to keep her balanced and sing at the same time.

Though Tahira told me that we could keep Ameera backstage during the concerts, I told her that I liked having Ameera with me on stage. So Tahira didn't say anything regarding it further, just hugged me tightly.

And once Ameera started sitting on her own, I'd make her sit beside me but to our amusement, she'd climb right back on my lap, refusing to sit anywhere else. I even made her sit on the platform in the middle of the stage while the boys and I had to walk around. And the whole time, I'd see her giving me a sad look, a full baby pout on her face and after a while of sitting there, she'd look around.

As soon as her eyes would land on Tahira, she'd point at me and start crying. Tahira used to chuckle and then give me a look before pointing towards Ameera. I'd laugh before running towards Ameera with a large grin and picking her up in my arms which would immediately stop her cries.

She gave me a small smile once she was in my arms. When I narrowed my eyes at her, she gave me a sloppy kiss on my cheek which made my eyes widen when she did it for the first time. And I just used to hug her close to me while she'd nestle her head in my neck.

We later discovered that she was possessive of me.

Once when we were meeting with children from Make A Wish foundation, I had one of the little girls on my lap as I talked to her. It was around the time when Ameera was eight months old. And out of nowhere, Tahira called for Ameera and then I saw her crawling towards me.

I was shocked because that was the first time she crawled. She looked up at me and crawled on further and tugged on my jeans when she reached me.

"What are you doing here, princess?" I asked her but she just look up at me, tugging more on my jeans and then raised her arms up, wanting to be picked up. The girl who was on my lap gave me a small kiss on the cheek and shyly got down before walking to her parents and I picked my daughter up in my arms.

She leaned against my chest as soon as she settled in my lap and when I looked down at her, I saw her staring at the place the small girl disappeared with her parents with a frown. It made me laugh when I realised she was getting jealous of that girl.

I raised her up in my lap so that we were face to face and placed a kiss on her cheek "My jealous little princess." I whispered against her cheek and she turned her head to look at me and I gave her a smile before placing her back in a sitting position on my lap while she placed her head against my chest.

She even did the same when Tahira hugged me to tease her. Tahira used to poke her tongue at Ameera who used to look at us with a strange look in her eyes. And when Tahira used to hug me, telling Ameera that I'm her man, Ameera would crawl over to us and (try to) remove Tahira's arms from around me.

But Tahira used to just pull Ameera in her lap in return, not letting Ameera crawl onto my lap when she tried to. We used to laugh at the noises she'd make. It was so cute to see her being a daddy's girl.

I just wished it never changed.


AN: Some response would be nice people. Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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