Chapter 98

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Harry's P.O.V

Tahira was very tired by the time we got back home. And when she took off her shoes, I knew why.

"Wedges? Really?" I asked and she sighed "They insisted. I didn't want to wear them either." She said and I sighed.

"What are you doing?" I asked Tahira as I walked into our bathroom. She was sitting at the edge of the tub with her feet in, dressed for the night in a pale yellow nightgown. She looked back at me and shrugged

"Soaking my feet." She said and I frowned. Walking in further, I saw the tub was filled with hot water until it reached her ankles.

"You could have asked for a foot massage if they hurt that much." I said still frowning and she shook her head

"I don't want a foot massage, Harry. Soaking them does the trick too." She said and I gave her a look

"You don't want a foot massage or you don't want me to give you a foot massage?" I asked and she blushed, her answer being obvious making me groan "What's the problem with me touching your feet?" I asked and she shrugged after a while

"I honestly don't know. Mamma always refused when papa tried to give her a foot massage whenever she had a rough day. I think I've just caught onto it." She said and I sighed. A second later, she gasped in surprise when I picked her up bridal style and walked back into our room.

"Well, I don't care. If you need it, I'll give it to you."

And despite her protests, I gave her a foot massage. By the time I had decided that it was enough to relieve her of the pain, she had relaxed and fallen into an exhausted sleep. It had made me smile. I leaned down and placed a kiss on her cheek before lying down beside her. I pulled her in my arms and pulled the quilt over us. She snuggled into me even more and I placed my chin on her head, following her into sleep.

On the day of our second anniversary, we went for a picnic, not wanting to do much since we were about to enter the last trimester soon and didn't want to risk anything happening. It wasn't much, but we still had a lot of fun.

The baby bump grew even more when we came into the last trimester. Our last ultrasound happened soon and we could see Ameera was almost fully grown now.

Luckily, I didn't have Tahira asking me to make midnight drives to stores depending on her craving. Though she had made a sudden demand for dates one night (I mean the fruit) and luckily we had some in the fridge which she had bought before, so I just had to go downstairs to fetch them.

She added the most random things when she ate something. The weirdest one came when she had eaten watermelons with chocolate ice cream. And then gave me a raised eyebrow when I looked at her with an uncertain expression. She even mixed tomato sauce with butter on toast during breakfast everyday.

We couldn't even have a baby shower because in the beginning of the eighth month, Tahira got hospitalised because of how sick she'd gotten from the pregnancy. It had started with constant vomiting, not being able to stomach anything, not even water. Then one day, she had suddenly fainted and I had quickly caught her before she could hit the ground.

I had freaked out when she had fainted, but thankfully, I had been hugging her just moments before and didn't let her fall. I tried to wake her up but didn't get any response from her.

I had probably broken a dozen traffic rules as I drove towards the hospital. And when I had carried her inside, the nurses had immediately brought a stretcher for her. I had laid her down as gently as I could and the nurses immediately rushed her inside.

The doctors had put an IV on her when we reached the hospital. She was unconscious for a few hours and I didn't leave her side for even a single minute. The doctors had said she'll be fine, that she had just fainted from the lack of glucose in her body; but it didn't lessen the worry in me.

The boys had arrived soon too saying that Tahira being hospitalised had made the news. They'd seen me carrying Tahira inside the hospital and the picture they took had gone viral. I had just sighed, not caring about anything but my unconscious wife.

She had woken up after visiting hours were over, looking extremely confused at her surroundings but I just smiled, happy to see her awake.

"Hey." I whispered and then she blinked at me, giving me a confused look

"Where are we?" She asked in a hoarse voice and I sat down on the bed next to her

"Hospital." I said and she frowned "Why? What happened?" She asked and I took her hand in both of mine

"You fainted suddenly and weren't waking up." I said and she frowned even more but then shook her head

"Can I have some water?" She asked and I smiled "Of course, love."

They kept her under observation for two days, making sure the medicines they were giving to calm her stomach worked. They ordered bed rest for her when she was discharged on the third day.

The tour that was planned since the mid March had been delayed until late May on my insistence to the management. I didn't want to leave Tahira alone when she needed me and nor did I want to be in some other country when it was time for my daughter to be born, or even miss the first month of her birth.

When they heard about Tahira being hospitalised, Omar and Sara had shown up at the hospital just before she was discharged and then had accompanied us back home. I had asked Omar and Sara if they could stay since they had been in our position before and knew how to handle it and the problems that could occur since the last trimester was a sensitive one.

They had smiled and accepted. And to my inner amusement, they had the same reaction as Tahira had when they saw the house I had bought for us. But slowly, I knew they started liking it too.

Now we just had to wait.


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