Chapter 73

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-Three months later-

Harry's P.O.V

Life couldn't get any more perfect than it was right now. Tahria and I were still in our own bubble. As each day passed, our love for each other only grew stronger. Playful pillow fights, stealing food off each other's plates (she mainly did it for revenge) and just plain old cuddling was how our days passed usually. We were so much in sync with each other, it was like we were married for years, not months.

For some reason, we didn't tell the world we were married. Whenever we were visiting the park or just grocery shopping together, they thought that Tahira was just visiting me. We even went to the carnival once. No one speculated much as to why we were holding hands the whole time, except for when we were having our lunch or when I tried to win games for her, much to her amusement and delight when I finally won her a teddy (the irony isn't lost on me). She said she'll name it Harry Jr. Her excuse being that she'll cuddle with it when I'm away on tours.

We got busted by John and Simon though. They were a little angry at us first but at the end of our meeting, they ending up congratulating us on the marriage. Adding that it would be better keeping it a secret for now.

"Hey, you alright, darling?" I asked Tahira, concern present in my voice. She was still laying in bed, her face scrunched up as if she was in a lot of pain. She opened her eyes at me and shook her head

"My stomach is hurting too much." She said and I frowned, sitting beside her

"Cramps?" I asked, my original question present in my voice but she shook her head with a small blush

"No." She said but then winced, curling herself into a foetal position under the blankets making me frown even more. I placed my hand on her arm, rubbing it in comfort. I was at a complete loss to what was happening right now. Sweat broke out around her upper lip as she rode away the pain. Her eyes opened slightly, breath coming out in pants. She placed her hand on mine, the one resting on her arm, and she pushed it off

"Go, Harry." She whispered and I shook my head

"Are you crazy? I can't go now!" I said and she looked up at me

"It's probably a stomach bug. I'll be alright in a while but you need to go for the meeting." She said referring to the meeting that had been called with the management about the tour for the fifth album (I heard it's happening... Not really sure about what is actually going on regarding their break but just go with it).

"Tahira..." I said but she shook her head


So I reluctantly left, even though something was telling me not to leave her alone but the look in her eyes when she told me to leave, hiding the pain she felt, I couldn't help but listen to her stupid demand.

Every turn I drove past, I wanted nothing more then to go back home and take care of my ill wife. But I knew she'd probably be upset that I didn't attend the meeting like she had asked me to.

"You alright, mate?" Louis asked me as I stood outside the meeting room, waiting for the boys to arrive so that we could head in. I shook my head

"I'm alright, Tahira isn't." I said and he frowned

"What are you doing here then? You should be with her." He said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes

"She insisted I should come. I was about to skip the meeting." I said with a sigh and that's when John came

"Well I'm glad she did. C'mon in boys." John said, heading into the room and Louis and I followed him inside.

The meeting was going as it had always gone like. On the outside, I was actively replying to everything happening, but on the inside, I was fighting a war with myself. It took all my self control not to just get up and leave the meeting, look after my sick wife but that was the husband in me.

My anxiety only grew as each minute passed.

Everyone apart form Louis was giving me a questioning look, not knowing what was wrong with my behaviour today. I was the first one out of the door when the meeting was over, not listening to John calling me and I quickly walked out of the building.

Getting into my car, I started the engine and quickly drove off after saying bye to the boys. Trying not to break any traffic rules but wanting to get home to my sick wife quickly wasn't the easiest thing to do, but somehow, I had managed to reach home in a short while.

Fetching the flat keys from my pockets as I walked towards my flat, I hurriedly opened the door and was met by silence throughout the flat. Quietly closing the door behind me, I walked towards our room.

Opening the door to our room, I saw that Tahira was still laying in bed. When I walked in further, I realised she was sleeping. I sat down on the bed beside her, wondering how she was feeling after I had left on her demand but that question was answered when I noticed the faint line of dried tears going over her nose.

Looking down, I noticed there was a thick wire going under the blanket. Frowning, I lifted the blanket up slightly and peaked down to see that she had an electrical heating pad one of her relatives had given to her as a the wedding gift on her stomach.

"You're back." A hoarse voice called and I looked up to see Tahira looking at me with slightly parted eyes and a small smile on her lips

"How're you feeling now?" I asked shifting closer to her and brushing my thumb across her cheek

"Much better than before. How did the meeting go?" She asked and I gave her a small smile "The usual."

After a while, Tahira and I were sitting up in the bed, our back resting against the headrest and we were going through the pictures we had taken during our honeymoon. Why being that I was just transferring them now into my laptop from the camera, forgetting to do it before.

"Remember that?" I asked with a laugh, pointing towards a picture that just uploaded and Tahira laughed while nodding.

It was one of those days Tahira had been more playful than she normally was. I was laying down on the bed with my eyes closed, and she took advantage of the fact that to her, I was still sleeping.

Within five minutes, I had a foam moustache on my face.

I didn't move a muscle while she was making it, letting her have her moment of fun but then I had heard the familiar click of the camera. Deciding to take advantage of the fact she was distracted, I had sat up quickly and gave her a kiss, printing the moustache she had made on my face on hers.

She had blinked up at me in surprise while I was giving her a cheeky grin, taking the camera from her hands, I had pulled her close with one arm and took a picture of us with the foam moustache.

Life was simply perfect. Then and now.


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