Chapter 15~ Part 1- Ground Rules

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Chapter 15-

Cody’s POV:

I couldn’t help the savage growl that rumbled through my chest at my parents.


All eyes probably turned to me, but my vision was zeroed in on my parents, who I’m guessing were just now realizing how intent I was on not having these jerks stay here.

My mother gulped under my gaze and my father shuffled his feet around, trying to keep the manly persona, which I knew he didn’t really have. The man was afraid of heavy machinery……he literally couldn’t go near a construction site without going unconscious.

“W-why don’t we go talk in the business room?” Dad obviously didn’t want a scene, but with how loud I’m planning on yelling, solid metal doors on a sound-proof room couldn’t hold back my shouts.

I intensified my glare, “Walk.”

They went around me in a wide circle, avoiding eye contact, into the room behind me.

I followed them in there, on the war path, which would have looked a lot more deadly if didn’t have this stupid cast on my foot. Instead of ‘helping’ me like it’s supposed to, it’s only managing in pissing me off even more.

I slammed the door behind me, taking in that they’d sat themselves in the last spots of the 20-person wooden table meant for meetings that are held at the house. The room is designed in dark browns and there’s a whole-room mural of a thick forest, with bright lights illuminating the red-brown hard wood floors, shiny with wax.

I stomped up to the far side of the room with mom opposite me and dad to my left at the head of the table, I slammed my hands down and got straight to business, “I want them OUT.”

Mom flashed me a nervous and sympathetic smile, sighed, and looked briefly at her fidgeting hands before switching her gaze back to me,  but my dad’s the one that took the lead in the conversation. “I’m sorry, we can’t do that sweet. We promised Paul and Melissa (Jason’s parents) that Jason could stay here, and you would torment him to no end if Rick wasn’t here.”

Now that dad was finished with defense, mom jumped in with the offense- their fighting and persuasion styles are one of the reasons they’ve gotten so far in life- “Besides! I don’t know why you don’t like them, they’re both nice boys. They have impeccable grades, respectable families, excellent people skills, they’re popular, athletic, a lot like you. I think if you gave them a chance, you all could be friends.”

My jaw hit the floor surely. “M-m-m-m-me? Friends with Jason and Rick? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! They’re the most awful, horrible, savage, rude, disgusting, mean, cruel, unintelligent, careless playboy bullies I’ve ever laid eyes on! They make fun of people weaker than them. They make people that don’t follow their orders lives miserable. They glide through school by showing up late, and charming the teachers to letting it slide because they’re the stars of the football team, even though I could beat their backsides no problem. Rick goes through girls like tissues and has no shame in it, Jason leads girls on and them completely ignores them once he finds someone new. Everything said in their ‘adult conversations’ is probably lies and/or stretches of the truth, and for icing on the cake I HATE THEM!”

I can feel the fire in my eyes, and my stance showed just how much I wanted to jump on someone and claw their eyes out.

Just in time I realized that these were my parents, and I couldn’t treat them like that. In an attempt to calm down I slammed my eyes shut, just focusing on blackness surrounding them. My clenched fists became slightly less rigid, and for the first time I noticed the fire erupting in my arm from that darn gash.

Arranged...WHAT?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora