Chapter 18- Cutting It Close

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Chapter 18-

Cody’s POV:

You’d think it’d be easy to saw off a cast, wouldn’t you?

That’s what I’d thought, too. If you think it’d be all easy, peasy, lemon squeezy –whatever those words even mean- then you are dead wrong.

Admittedly the first thing I tried to use was scissors cause there had been some in plain view in the hospital room, but those barely even scratched it, then Rae and I went over to her weapons room –the knife section, obviously. I’m not quite dumb enough to try and shoot it off.

We tried using sharp knives, but those only did one sharp cut and then got stuck in the hard plaster of the cast. So then we tried serrated edges, which worked slightly better, but not quite.

“Maybe Giovanni would have a better idea?” I wondered out loud.

“He’s a chef, what would he know about casts?” She did the whole ‘hand on hip thing’ mixed with the ‘you’re so dumb’ voice…..a very condescending mix.

“Remember a couple years ago when he sprained his pinky trying to ride my ATV out on the track out back?”

“Oh yeah! And he had to wear that cast for a couple of weeks.”

“But my parents were having that big meeting and he wanted to be the one to cook the dinner –being the perfectionist he is- so he got it off somehow.” I almost yelled. We have our answer!

“What are you waiting for?! Get your fat ass of the floor and come on!” I pushed off the ground leaving the discarded knives to be picked up later and ran down the long hallways after her.

“Wait!” I’d lost sight of her and I just remembered that we have a faster way down.

She came around from the next bend, jumping back and forth from foot to foot.

I chuckled at her endless energy that the rest of the world lacks, she can never stay still when she gets this adrenaline rush. “Take the walls! It’s faster.”

“The walls? The walls!” She pulled out her iPhone (the only other one in the world besides mine that control the doors) and hit a button. A spot from the wall, about five feet away from each of us slid open and we ran for it.

Once we were in the dark hallway she tapped the screen again and the panel slid shut.

“I do love those doors.”

“They’re a good thing to love, now come on!”

We ran to the nearest ladder and slid down to ground level, landing easily, and looking around at the four-way intersection made out of halls.

“Okay, so we’re probably somewhere around the main meeting room…….” I was running the layout through my mind, trying to figure out where we are.

“I say we go straight.” Rae said with determination, and looking down the hallway she wanted to take.

With a raised eyebrow I asked, “What makes you say that?”

“I said so……and I can smell good food from this hallway. Like Gandolf said, ‘When in doubt, always follow your nose.’”

[A/N: Who else here loves Lord of the Rings!!!!!!!!! =D]

Silently chuckling I muttered while starting off down the musty hall, “Well Gandolf is never wrong, so I guess we go straight.”

She started following me and I heard her scoff playfully, “Excuse me! I’m never wrong either!”

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