Chapter 22- I Am A Good Girl

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Chapter 22-

Cody’s POV:

Forty five minutes later we were still sitting on the boardwalk looking out at the ocean with hundreds of people flocking past us every minute.

“So, we can’t access bank accounts because they can be traced.”

“We can’t go back to the airport because that can be traced.”

“We can’t call anyone because they’ll give in to my parents when they call asking if we’ve contacted them.”

“Wait,” Rae added a few seconds later, “Why can’t we access bank accounts again? You’re the only one in your family that knows how to trace someone.”

“Yeah,” I answered slowly, wondering if she was really this dense sometimes, “but my parents do know how to call a private investigator, and the first thing he would do is track bank and email account activity. The only reason I’m not worried about the airport is because I set up that secret account there, specifically for if I ever wanted to leave town without a trace.”

“Oh yeah…… I really should’ve thought of that.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, “you really should have.”

She shot me a flat look then said with finality, “Well then I guess we’re just going to have to get jobs.”


Jason’s POV:

You could say I was pretty damn confused when Rick and  I got called into a meeting. I knew we hadn’t done anything wrong, but with Cody’s rightful hatred for me and Rick, and with her friend Rae here now, I wouldn’t be surprised if we were being moved to some crappy basement, -or if we were going to be kicked out altogether, but then the Lockheart’s started talking about some kind of arranged marriage.

At that point I couldn’t do anything besides stare at Cody in shock.

Of all the things the meeting could’ve been about I didn’t expect it to be informing us on some marriage she’s being forced into. I mean, that sucks……really, really  sucks.

I still don’t quite get why we had to be there for that- even though apparently all of us were involved- but I don’t see how we could be since I hadn’t even known the Lockhearts had a daughter until a few weeks ago.

And then the girls randomly ran away……… so know I’m standing awkwardly with Rick and her parents, all in shock, gaping blankly at the swinging front door.

“Soooooooooooooo, are we still, like……-needed?- here, or can we like, go?” Rick asked with uncertainty, lengthening his words to give him more time to come up with what he was planning on saying next.

Neither parent responded, nor did they make any indication that they heard us whatsoever. Their eyes never left the door.

After five minutes I was starting to get worried.

Their breaths were uneven, like they were coming out by force, and their eyes were looking dried up from not blinking enough.

After a few more minutes Penelope made a choking/wheezing/squeaky noise in the back of her throat, then keeled over and started hyperventilating.

Us three guys snapped out immediately and her husband caught her before she hit the ground, but we were still worried about her. A brag was rushed in by one of the servants, but even with that her breathing didn’t return to normal, and only a glance at her dilated, darting eyes, twitching hands, and trembling body you could tell her heart beat was off the charts and she was having an adrenaline attack, that Mr. Lockhart said can sometimes feel like a heart attack.

Arranged...WHAT?!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang