Chapter 16- Let's Get the Facts Straight

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Chapter 16- Let’s Get the Facts Straight

Cody’s POV:

This is weird. Life is weird. Life is moving too fast. It moved on without me. I can’t seem to be able to catch up with it.

I kicked my left leg against the ground which made my black office chair spin around quickly in my big, steal, gray, security room.

Everything is different shades of gray, even the short ugly carpet with the exception of a few red and blue buttons that I decided were needed to make everything look a little bit more professional, like my big red button that said ‘Emergency’ and has a glass plastic box over it to prevent it from accidentally being hit….it looks just like a self-destruct button, or something that would deploy nuclear missiles or something, while in actuality told whoever’s in the kitchen that I want a cup of cocoa.

I’m just awesome like that.

I picked the leg with the cast up, and folded it under me while continuing my other foot to keep me at a fast spinning speed, and my mind was busy trying to sort out all the information that’s been going through my brain since I awoke a few hours ago.

So much has happened to alter my previously boring and scheduled life.

At least I sorted one thing out: I’d forgotten that I made a backup copy of my phone a few weeks before the ‘incident’ as I’ve decided to call it, and so I have an exact copy of everything I need on it. Completely identical…..except for this one doesn’t have Jason’s number in it.

Realizing what I’d just thought I sat up and shook my head back and forth violently, trying to clear those thoughts from my mind.

There are things that actually need to be worried about besides things that are never going to happen.

Darting my eyes around the room I look for something to distract me from my dumb and estranged thoughts, but after a quick looksee I easily see that the act of desperation will end up fruitless.

Sighing defeated-ly I slump back in my chair with my chin pushing into my chest and I continue looking about the room.

There’re four rows of computer screen that wrap around the circular room with the control panel under it. There are drawers and cabinets below that full of other security stuff, but it’s been so long since I’ve looked at any of it that I’ve pretty much forgotten what the actual contents are.

I think there are a few guns or something… I said: I’m not totally sure.

I let out a dejected sigh, like I often do in this depressing room that I’ve spent a lot of time in, and spun around again.

I settled to a stop, coming face to face with the steel door which kept unwanted people out. It even had a device on it so that if someone tried to force their way inside and sprayed them with black powder, and if they kept trying to get after that…..well God have mercy because that would not be a pretty result.

After a few more moments of trying and failing to think of something to think about the boredom became so intense that I just started flip-flopping my head back and forth, but that only lasted a few seconds before I shot out of my chair in excitement.

I’ll make a list!

Three lists actually. A list of things I know. A list of things I want/need to know. And a list of important things that need to be remembered, whether it’s me that needs reminding or someone else.

I slid my chair across the floor and pulled up a word document, using one of the security monitors as my screen, and began typing away.

List of Things I Know-

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