The Meeting(Editing) 01/16/19

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I jumped up and instinctively ran my hands over my body to make sure that everything was ok and intact. I wasn't in the field anymore and I wasn't home. I threw off the heavy blanket that was covering me and hopped out of the bed. The black sleeping shirt fell to my knees, and I panicked. I'd been undressed and dressed again. I rushed to the door and gripped the knob. Locked. I slapped at it with an open palm, "Hey...hey let me out of here," I banged. I could smell someone just on the other side but no one answered. I kicked at it furiously and stubbed my toe. "Goddamit," I cursed. I rushed to the windows for an alternate escape route, but they were sealed. I jerked around as the lock clicked and the door opened.

I expected to see Eric, to attack, to run, but a stout older lady entered and I paused. "Eric said that you were up," she smiled as the door closed behind her. She carried a tray with every breakfast essential possible to the small breakfast table and turned, "That bond surely is something, huh." hanlo

"Where am I?" I ordered, "and where's Cristian?"

She paused, "Well I'm not sure who Cristian is, but I can tell you that you are at the Alpha's house."

I went to the door, but it was still locked, "Why am I here?"

"I'm just the help," she admitted. She was short with salt and peppered hair and a sweet face. "but I can tell you, you can't get past those guards, so why don't you come and have some breakfast." I could tell that she was dormant because she didn't smell of damp fur like the others. I thought about overtaking her and forcing my way out, but she was just the help, would Eric care if I threatened her life. She pointed to the tray with a homely smile, "I'm sure you're hungry."

I was hungry, and I wanted to fight the urge to accept the food, but I couldn't. I moved towards the tray, picked up the muffin and took two bites. She smiled satisfactorily and unrolled the utensils. I grabbed the bacon and ate whole strips at a time, as I shoved the eggs behind them. I would have used the fork, but I was starving and I cared less about etiquette. The lady watched me intently as I finished the orange juice, and wiped my mouth. I reached for the sausage but pulled my hand back because her eyes were relentless. She smiled, "A wolf's appetite." She chuckled. "My son ate like that his first year."

I opened my mouth to tell her I didn't care, but the lock clicked, and the door opened and my eyes fell on Eric as his landed on mine. He took in every detail of my image and then turned to the lady. "Thank you, Sara." His voice came out thick with uneasiness, and she looked at him with disbelief, picked up the tray and left. I stepped away.

Recalling last night's events, I threw my hand up to my neck. "YOU SON OF A BITCH. WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME? AND WHERE'S CRISTIAN?" I was ready to strike.

He grabbed my forearms and marched me to the bed. "Hands, Annalise." He released me with a light shove and walked away. I attempted to step forward, but he growled. "Stay," he threatened.

I stayed. Wanting to move but either too afraid or too compelled, I couldn't be sure."What have you done to me?" I asked..."Where is Cristian..."I managed to whisper. "Is he...alive?"

He turned, walked to the desk, and sat. "I've marked you. As for your friend..." he shrugged.

"What did you do to him? You have no right to-"

"I HAVE...." he yelled, , "I told you. I have every right...You're my fiance, and although the decision should have been yours...well" He picked up a letter opener and swirled it into the wood as he watched it penetrate the desk. "I did what I would have done anyways." He shrugged. "I warned you of my patience." His eyes landed on mine. The darkness gone, replaced by his piercing blues that noted his mood. "You knew we were to be mated..I just made it official." I listened motionless, unable to move as he continued. "This is where your actions have led us. And now that my mark is on you, my claim is on you."

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