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His lips kissed the back of my neck as we swayed from side to side to our own music. His hard body was pressed against mine as one hand caressed my breast and the other gripped my stomach. I placed my hands on his and followed his every move. In the heat of the moment his hands were all over ne, and the white satin slip shifted with each move. Slowly his hand crept down my leg and made its way to my gap. With a quick motion I turned to stop his fingers, and jumped from my sleep. I forcefully threw the blanket off me and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. My skin was hot to the touch and sweat beads rolled down my arms.

This wasn't the first time Eric's presence hijacked my dreams since we last saw him, but that was a skeleton I kept in my personal closet. I was fuming from the thought of his hands on me, and the fact that my body betrayed me, and enjoyed the wet dream. I ran my hands up my arms to wipe away the sweat, but it was sticky and cold. I figured a shower would ease my mind and allow me to forget about what was happening to me.

It was still dark out, and little light showed through the room, but I knew it was morning. The sun would be up soon, so I made my way to the restroom. I turned the nozzle to run more cold than hot, and stepped into the shower. If I was a frying pan, the steam would bubble and sizzle from the heat I was giving off. I didn't feel like me anymore, it was as if my body was sending me subtle warnings. Slow down, calm down, breath, or fall. I showered and let the water run over my skin until my fingers were pruned and wrinkled. 

I stepped into the room, to find Cristian hunched over on the bed in his pajama pants. His elbows rested on his thighs, and his hands were clasped together under his chin as he stared at the floor. He didn't move, so I inched closer to him. He spoke in a dark, whispered tone. "I can feel everything you feel Anna." I paused. He stood with clenched fist, but kept his eyes on the floor. I stepped back to give him space but his eyes snapped to me and I froze. My own emotions were being projected unto me, and i felt what he felt, i felt.

I leaned against the wall to brace myself, but shifted my eyes to the floor. I couldnt look him. My heart was beating against my chest so painfully I wanted to throw up. I wrapped my arms around myself, as if the hold of my own grip could comfort me enough to breath. Cristian placed his hands on the walls and looked at me with his blue eyes. "I can feel every nightmare... every fear....and every, Goddamn time he appears in your dreams Anna."

He growled a bit at the end of the sentence, but I couldn't focus on his anger. I tried to push away, to escape his eyes, but he pressed me back to the wall, cuffed my face and kissed me. After the initial surprise, I kissed him back. I thought he would upset, angry, and irrational as Eric had been, but he kissed me passionately, and watched my face.  I looked into his searching eyes, and pulled back. "The claim Cristian." I hid the scar again.

"I," he kissed my cheek, "could," he kissed my neck," care," he kissed my collar bone, "less. This was his wyay of competing with the invisible force that invaded my mind and threatened to steal his love.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I only want you Cristian." It was all I could say to confirm my feelings, but deep down I felt as he did. Unsure, angry, and heartbroken. There was a very eminent threat to our love, and it was him. Eric.

"I know." He grabbed my thighs and hoisted me up. Our lips crashed into each other again, and I tugged at his hair. There was no need for him to use his hands to hold my weight, so he ran them up and down my body. He kissed my neck again, and his hand released my towel. I didn't object to his swift movements, and allowed my breast to rest on his chest. "Is this ok Anna." He asked in between kisses.

I opened my eyes and stared into his with fear, and anticipation and decided. "I'm ready Cristian. I want you to know it will always be you." My voice was hoarse, and came out as a scared whisper, but I was sure.

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