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The door was being unlocked and I'd fallen asleep in the tub to the smell of lavender. I quickly jumped up and almost slipped in the process of not wanting to be caught in a compromising situation. I stepped out of the cold water just as Sara walked through the door and smiled. I flung the towel around myself out of pure shyness but felt there was no reason to. 

"Oh nothing to be embarrassed about dear, I've seen it all," She said waving her hand. I was sure it was true, I'd glimpsed bare bodies ducking away behind the fleet of foliage all throughout the property, and our people were often unclothed, and unashamed so it was plausible. "Eric has sent me to assist you, I've been instructed to give you this," She said handing me the box from earlier." I followed her into the room, as she disappeared into the closet. By the time, I'd managed to fling the box on the bed and slide the black panties on, she'd resurfaced with the dress. "He suggested you wear this one tonight." She smiled admiring the dress.

It was a shoulder-less, long-sleeve dress with a thigh-high slit. It was simple, and elegant but too formal for my taste. Before this whole engagement business, most of my wardrobe consisted of boots sweatshirts and shorts. She handed me the dress and went back to the closet. I dropped the towel and pulled the dress up. It fell just above my knees, as the slit made its way up my right thigh.

She reappeared with another black box that held shoes, but she tossed them aside and turned me to zip the dress. I inhaled sharply as it unexpectedly hugged my torso. "Thank you." I exhaled.

The shoes were four-inch high death traps, with thin straps that wrapped around my ankles. A small silver wolf hung from each as an added jewel. I slipped them on and fastened the straps before standing with a wobble. "Let's not forget this." Sara happily stated holding the choker. I allowed her to tie it around my neck, as I held my heavy hair up. The water from the bath had expanded the volume of my ends and tightened my curls into a heavy wad. She noticed, and pulled a few pins from her hair and set my hair into a messy updo. I reached up to triple buns in a single verticle line and loose curls that sprung out here and there. It felt intricate enough without being overdone, and though it had only taken her a minute or so I was sure I would be pleased.  "You look lovely honey," Sara smiled, "Now let's get you downstairs."

Two taps on the door, and the sentinel allowed us leave. What am I a flight risk. I thought. After a slight stumble in the heels, Sara escorted me down the stairs to meet Eric, and his mother. "Well don't you clean up well?" Isabelle said as she eyed me uncomfortably on the love seat.

"Yes, I chose the dress perfectly." Eric said wrapping his arm around my waist.

This annoyed me as much as he did, and I didn't care about the hard look Isabelle gave, as I stepped away from him. "Thank you," I mumbled, "when does the party begin?"

"Our guest should be arriving soon," Isabelle answered, "have a seat dear, there's something I would like to discuss with you." She motioned for the seat across from her, "Could you give us a moment son." He looked at his mother sternly and sarcastically answered with a bow, "at your wishes your majesty."
There was something about the coldness between the two that I couldnt quite figure out, but it wasnt my place to care, so I took a seat. The dress tightened a bit more and I knew slouching wasnt an option.

"Eric tells me you won't acknowledge him as your mate, or even acknowkedge him, for that matter." Her voice was relaxed and polite and I'd grown to know that this was unusual for her. I wondered what else he'd told her, and why she felt the need to address this. "I suggest you remedy this situation..." she lit her cigarette, "I will warn you Annalise, I will not accept embarrassment as an option, and you my dear... will not be the one to bring shame to my house..... Do you understand?"

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