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The closeness of the chatter increased as everyone settled back into the party and redressed themselves. My mother and Amarog walked over to us as we cleared the trees. She rushed to cover me with the black dress, as Amarog casually smiled and threw Cristian a pair of pants and a towel. "Had me worried for a minute." 

"I never lose a fight." Cristian embraced his uncle with a hard hug and a slap on his back.

"It was close," Amarog joked. "And you little wolf," he directed his attention to me as I pulled the dress up, "Taking on Isabelle," He winked. I blushed again, this time with a smile, a confident one, and a thank you.. I'd surprised myself. "You did good, to be such a little wolf."

Cristian pulled on his pants as my mother zipped my dress and pulled leaves from my hair. Amarog had  placed his hand on her back and pulled her away after he realized she was passively fretting over me. "Let's give them some space." She quietly agreed after a kiss to my cheek, a hug for Cristian, that lasted longer than any other she'd given him, and a low "thank you."

As they walked away Cristian picked a few final leaves from my curls and I used his sweat to wipe away some of the blood that had dried on his skin. Both our hands shook, but in a good way. When we came into the view of the guest, overlapping claps and congratulations flowed as everyone turned to have a look at him. Cristian walked onto the stage his arms around my waist, tight as if he would never let me go and addressed the crowd. 

He spoke with dignity and pride in a voice that suited a king, he stood tall and firm and his place as our leader was justified. "I am the son of Silas Ravini, and Lorena Towne." For a moment there was nothing but low murmurs about the possibility, the shock, the belief, and even disbelief until Cristian continued, "I will keep Amarog Ravini," Amarog nodded, confirming and quieting down any rumors, "My uncle. As my beta...And Annalise my mate." He gripped my hand and waited for the small scandalous whispers to subside and then continued. "As the current Alpha," he kissed my hand, "I declare Eric Gadreal, and the Gadreal family, exhiled from our territory."

It remained quiet as he waited for their reaction until one by one they agreed silently without objection and then raised their glasses or pieces of meat with approval. He had challenged the Alpha and won, he had their respect, and because of our Pack laws he would take his place and lead us. 

He pulled me from the stage by our intertwined fingers, refusing to let go in the sea of praises and congratulations as we made our way through the crowd. "Come with me." His breath floated past my ear as a low whisper, and I couldn't hide the goosebumps that ran up my arm. Whatever energy I was giving off was being felt as we passed through the room, and I couldn't stop the redness of my face.

I followed as he pulled me into the house and away from the crowd. I ran my hand up my arm to sooth my skin and allowed him to lead me. He walked me to a door under the stairs and stopped. "It's ok," He looked back at me, "We don't need permission." I'd never been any further than the room, the kitchen with Sara, and the study, so I was hesitant. How did he even know this was here. He tested the knob, and once he realized it wasn't locked he ducked his head in, and then pulled me inside. "What are you doing Cristian," I whispered. He released my hand, "Just trust me," and walked to the wall that was lined with books, and other miscellaneous objects. Other than the rows of books and long shelves, the room was almost empty. Just a strange office of some sort, with stone walls, and an unused desk and chair. I watched as he fumbled with shelves and ran his fingers along the back as if he was searching for something specifically. "What are you-"

"Come here." He began sliding a heavy shelf to the side after finding the latch that released it from the wall. A door sized opening had been hidden behind it as dust fell from the lack of use. He disappeared inside and I looked for any indication that he would return, but he didn't. I eased towards the entrance and sucked in a lung full of air as his hand grabbed mines and pulled me into him. "Glad to know my touch alone takes your breath away," he teased.

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