Eye For An Eye, Mate For A Mate

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Cristian dressed and we made our way through the dark hallway to his office. Amarog was there, but didn't react to our entrance as he stared out of the window. Eric made himself comfortable in a chair, and Ariadna walked to Amarog and placed her hand on his back. They spoke quietly for a brief moment, and then turned to Cristian. I stayed behind him and wrapped my arms around myself. 

I could feel Eric's eyes watching us intently, and it made me uncomfortable. I was careful not to look in his direction, but I was sure that he wasn't watching us, but me.

"Anna, this is Ariadna." Cristian said, as I snapped to the woman.

She quickly walked towards me and grabbed me in a hug. "I have been waiting a long time to meet you young lady." She embraced me cheek to cheek and looked me over. "Beautiful," she exclaimed.

I had no idea who she was, and no idea why she was so excited to meet me, but Eric interjected sarcastically, before I could ask. "You two finished making out over there, or do we need to get you a room."

We both scoffed, and she shot him a grimace, and a warning. "Watch yourself Eric, you are unwanted here, and....

"No more than you, sweetheart," he retorted and turned to Cristian, "and have you ever thought to ask yourself, why I would risk my life to come back here?"

Ariadna slapped her hands on the desk, and Eric jumped up in defense with a growl, as Cristian grabbed me.

"Don't you dare." She glowered.

"He has a right to know Ari. You and Ama haven't told him everything, and since I have a natural right to be Alpha just as much as he does, I think it's time he found out the truth."

She sighed in frustration, as I stared bewildered at the conversation.
"What is he talking about?" Cristian asked with a low growl.

Ari placed her fingers on the bridge of her nose and sighed, as Amarog looked to her, and nodded.

Cristian's voice climbed, "Somebody better start talking. NOW," he growled. I startled and looked at Ari, but she turned towards the mini bar. The tension in the room grew so thick that it was almost palpable.

"These are the people you trust as your counsel," Eric scoffed, "They have been keeping secrets from you, and Silas Ravini..."

"Don't you dare say my father's name!" Cristian seethed, as his contempt for Eric grew. 

Standing behind him, I could feel the heat of his body radiating as hot as the sun on a summer day. The only thing between him and Eric was the desk, and based on the heat, Cristian could attack at any moment.

"As I was saying," Eric continued, unaffected by Cristian's show of dominance, "Silas Ravini had a few skeletons in his closet and-."

Cristian jumped over the desk so fast that even Amarog couldn't stop him. He pinned Eric against the wall by his neck, as everyone reacted. A split second more and Eric would have retaliated, and an all out fight would ensue, but Amarog stepped in and pulled Cristian back.

Eric stayed against the wall, but seethed with anger. "Touch me again, and I'll kill you."

"Kill it Eric," Amargo ordered, "and tell him."

Eric released his fist from their clench, and folded his arms. "Isabelle, with her treacherous ways, has informed me that you and I share the same father, so we share the same right.

Cristian broke free from Amarogs grip, and turned to him. "YOU KNEW?"

"I suspected as much..." Ama paused staring into Cristians eyes, "My brother never said, and Isabelle married Gabriel and raised him as his." He looked to Eric, "I should have known from his eyes," he turned back to Cristian, "Wasn't until she pulled a power move, to appoint him as Alpha, that I knew....She was too desperate, and must have known that Cristian was a threat. Saw it in his eyes, as I should have seen in yours," he turned back to Eric.

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