Chapter 14: Team

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Is it even legal? How could a non victor volunteer for the victor's game? Most importantly, why did he do it? He knew, one of us has to die. So why?

The Peacekeepers drag us away from the crowd, and straight through the Justice Building.

"But what about good-byes?!" I shout in panic, trying to catch one last glimpse of my family before I leave, for the death that awaits me.

"New procedure," Thread says with an evil grin, popping out of nowhere. He shoves me into the train, and soon we're off.

I gaze out the window as the last of the woods fall behind us. The train traveling 250 miles per hour, the sight of Panem whizzing by- these things are what evoke last year's memories. And though it's mostly the same, something has changed. Just a year ago, I had even the slightest hope of getting back home, that I could make it alive- I was determined to win the games. But now it's different. It's not me I want to protect, it's Rory.

Feeling sad, I walk to my room and lock myself in, huddling in a corner. There's nothing I can do now. I'm as good as dead. My hope of keeping Rory alive is irrational. I used to have that fire inside of me, that determination and strength, but now it's slowly dying.

I stayed like that for a while, and it was only when Effie called me for dinner that I came out out of my little corner of despair.

Dinner was mostly quiet. Haymitch and Peeta joined us as our mentors. Peeta was his usual cheery self, but Haymitch was pretty moody. But that's because Peeta poured all his liquor down the drain. What concerns me is Rory, his face showing signs of misery and pain. I have so many questions for him, like why did he volunteered, why he was sad for something he did by choice, and what was causing his pain. But I keep my mouth shut.

"I like your new hair Effie, gold really suits you," Peeta compliments.

"Thanks, I got it to match Prim's mockingjay pin," Effie chatters, trying to evoke some enthusiasm. "I'm planning on getting Peeta a golden ankle band, Haymitch a golden bracelet, and Rory a golden locket- so we'd all look like a team!"

Her words sting. A team. That's what we should be, a team. And yet we're falling apart.

"It's a good idea," Rory finally says. His voice doesn't sound anything like the loud and clear 'I volunteer' back in the square. And that was only two hours ago.

"I have an idea, let's watch the recaps of the reapings," Peeta says, long after we finished dinner. The five of us get together, as the annual recap of the reaping starts to play. During the past 74 years of Hunger Games, there have been 75 victors. Only 59 of us are still alive- some old and ill.

We go through all the tributes, but only a few stand out to me.

Cashmere and Gloss from District 1 are both beautiful, but I know they'd be deadly in the arena. There's Finnick who won his games at such a young age, like me. Johanna Mason was entered automatically, as she was the only living female tribute- like myself. The tape keeps rolling until it finally gets to us. Effie reaping my name, then Peeta's, and Rory's sudden decision to volunteer. It cuts to a short interview with a reporter, concerning the legality of Rory's volunteering. So far, everyone has just gone with the flow, and I have a feeling things won't change with that. Rory's in the game.

The recap comes to an end, and the screen blacks out. Haymitch leaves abruptly, evidently disturbed. Effie's positive enough to give a quick good-bye before leaving the room.

"Prim, Rory, you need to catch some sleep. I'm going to stay and watch some more tapes- taking some notes- and I'll make sure to inform you guys in the morning," Peeta tells us. His words evoke memories, him treating me like the younger sister he never had, and it's then I realize he's changing as well. Suddenly it feels like everyone is changing. Or maybe it's just me.

Rory and I bid our goodbyes to Peeta then leave the compartment. We walk side by side, awkwardness settling in between us.

"Why'd you do it, why'd you volunteer?" I finally ask. He stays silent for a moment then opens his mouth to speak.

"We both know hope of surviving is bleak, for me and you, the both of us," he starts. "But I still did it, because I wanted to spend every last moment with you. I can't loose you, not again. Together, remember?"

I nod, thinking back to when we'd said we'd be with each other, that we wouldn't leave each other's side. We pull up to my room, ending our short conversation.

"It was nice talking with you," is all I say. He nods, I nod, then we part.

The next morning, Peeta informs Rory and I about the tributes as promised. Johanna Mason is quite interesting, as she had pretended to be weak then came out strong in the arena. The careers were (of course) skilled, and brutal as well. I felt bad for some, like Mags who was now of age, and Cecelia, who had left her three kids back in District 8.

Rory's back to his old self, smiling and laughing. I guess I'm back too, and everyone seems to sense that. The dining table has had more chatter than yesterday, even Haymitch contributed to the conversation.

After lunch, Rory and I sneak into the video room. He watches as I dig through the tapes. I "accidentally" find the 50th Hunger Games. The 2nd Quarter Quell- Haymitch's games.

"This is a secret," I tell him.

"My lips are sealed," Rory says with a grin. And before we know it, the tape is in and rolling.

The reaping is quite surprising. Double the amount of kids in each district. It's a large group, 48 tributes in all. District 12 was quite fun to watch. As usual, it's ladies first. An escort, reads out the name "Maysilee Donner".

"My mother's friend," I murmur, watching some Merchant kids run up to her and hug her.

"There's your mom," Rory points out, and he's right. She's around my age, and she's beautiful. Then I catch a glimpse of Maysilee, and someone holding her hand. That someone looks just like her, and another someone. Madge.

Rory must have read my mind, because the next thing he says is,

"Maysilee Donner had a twin sister. And she's...Madge's mom."

I didn't bother to ask how he got that information.

Then suddenly Haymitch is being called up. He's young and strong. With his dark curly hair and bright grey Seam eyes, I'd dare to say he was actually quite handsome.

"That's...Haymitch?!" Rory cracks up, clutching his belly.

" him?" I say between bursts of laughter.

The next hour was a blur. We just watched the quell together, joking, laughing, I might even say we were having fun. Haymitch and this District 1 girl tribute were the last ones left. He had parted with Maysilee shortly before, and was sitting on a cliff, his own little boundary of sadness. He was tossing pebbles into the forcefield, then realized they bounced back. He was able to use it against the career, as she hauled her ax at him, which he dodged, and it reflected back and hit her smack in the skull.

"Well that was dramatic," Rory says, after the screen goes black.

"Wasn't it?"

Haymitch walks in, and I half expect he'd be angry at us. How did he even find out?

"Could hear you guys laughing all the way from my compartment," he comments, then he gulps down a bottle of wine. So much for staying sober.

That's when I realize something. I finally understand who Haymitch is, who Rory is, who I am- who my team is.

~A/N~ A chapter as promised.

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, I hope you liked reading it just as much.

Vote if you liked it. If you have the time, leave a comment- tell me what you think :)

I'll be back soon with another chapter~


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