Mockingjay: Prim

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Thank you guys all so much for the support throughout <The Hunger Games: Prim> and <Catching Fire: Prim>. I honestly had no idea I could come this far and it's all thanks to you. I really want to thank all those who took the time to vote or comment on any of my chapters because you're kinda the reason I came this far. Your comments are all so supportive and hilarious- I read every single one and try to respond to the majority of them. Thanks to everyone who's been spotting mistakes and I promise I'll rewrite both stories soon to fix up the other million errors that are probably in there.

(Sorry about the super long paragraph...cookies for you if you read the whole thing)

So to the point. If you can't already tell by the title...I will be writing Mockingjay: Prim. The cover's already done but I don't plan to write later until maybe March~May. But's happening! So be patient, heads up, and...can't wait to see you there :D

Thank you all so much once again for the support.

Just one more thing. If you could comment what you'd like to see in Mockingjay: Prim that'd be great. Proah flashbacks? More Prory? A big epic twist? Comment down below and let me know :)

Love yall, see you soon (sorta)!

-Monica, aka illiterate-writer

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