Chapter 15: Familiar Faces

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I hadn't know my prep team had grown so attached to me. But I guess they have, because prepping involved lots of crying. I had watched Katniss stay strong for me day after day, and now it was my turn to stay strong for my prep team. I condole Octavia, Venia, and Flavius, as they continue to get me camera ready through tears.

I think about how these games will be different. In the past games, people from the districts would grieve over watching their loved ones die. This year, the tributes are victors. They're basically Capitol citizens, products of the Capitol. This time it will be the Capitol people grieving over their loved ones die.

I think about how all these victors, who were free from the arena, are having to face the consequences of my actions.

The prep team finishes my looks, and it looks...different. Different from the cute angle, anyway. Sharp cheekbones, purple lips- it's definitely a dark look.

When Cinna finally arrives, I'm relieved. As much as I love my prep team, the constant tears were a bit too much for me.

"I forbid you from breaking down into tears," I warn him as the prep team leaves.

He chuckles and assures me that he won't.

He then takes out my outfit. It's a black unitard, like a jumpsuit. He helps me into it, and it fits perfectly. Then he sets a small crown on my head, similar to the once I received as a victor during the Victory Tour.

Then he softly grabs my wrist and flips the wrist cuff inside out to reveal some sort of button.

"Go on," he tells me. I press it.

The suit starts illuminating, then the lights continuously shift slightly, just like...

"Coal," I whisper, fascinated by the way the lights are reflected off the suit.

"Portia and I spent some time watching fire," Cinna says with a smile. I turn off my outfit then run up to Cinna to give him a hug.

"Thank you Cinna, I love it."

Last year everyone stuck to their chariots. This year is completely different. The tributes are just walking around from chariot to chariot, talking with one another. I'm not much of a talker, so I stick to the District 12 chariot. Rory comes, and I see that our outfits are identical.

"Nervous?" I ask, looking into his grey eyes.

"More like excited," he says with a smile.

We board onto our chariots, and I catch a glimpse of Finnick Odair, the one who won his games at 14. He looks better than he does on screen, which his blonde hair and green eyes-

"Stop staring at him, it's creepy," Rory scolds in a whisper.

"I wasn't looking at him," I lie. He just rolls his eyes as our chariot starts to move. Both of us activate our suit, and ignite. People stare at us in awe. Once again, Cinna has made us the star of the show.

Cinna instructed the both of us not to wave of smile, and so I keep a straight face. It's a bit hard, when people are shouting your name and cheering for you. You feel like you need to smile back and wave. Not today, I remind myself.

All of a sudden, I feel Rory's hand slip into mine, eliciting a roar from the crowd.

"What are you doing?" I scold in a whisper, using the tone of voice he used earlier.

"They didn't say we couldn't hold hands," he whispers back. Then we're back to staying quiet and going around the City Circle.

After a long ride with lots of cheers, all the chariots arrive at their final destination. Snow comes out to the balcony, giving a small speech. And I swear, he was looking straight at me.

Our chariot rolls into the Training Center, and its only when the doors close that I am able to relax. Cinna and Portia are very pleased with our performance. Haymitch and Peeta are there too, along with Effie. They're all pleased.

I think back to a year ago, when it was Peeta and I, tributes from District 12. He had lifted me onto his shoulders and the crowd had shouted our names. Now he seems so distant.

Haymitch, Peeta, Effie, Rory and I walk to the elevator- the same exact one as last year. The one that had scared me, since it's what killed my dad.

There are 12 floors in the building, one for each district. I press '12' on the elevator and we start to move. One smooth glide, and the doors swoosh open. The first thing I see is two people side by side in the distance, waiting to greet us.

"I see they got a pair of avoxes this year," Effie says as we exit the elevator.

There's Lavinia, whom I recognize from last year. She knows me and I know her. We're something between acquaintances and friends. I'm about to smile and wave when I realize who is next to her. Blood drains from Rory's face, and no one says a word.

It's Gale.

~A/N~ Cliff hanger!! What's going to happen??

The third chapter as promised. All three chapters this week were pretty short, but all were very suspenseful with lots of tension going on. At least I hope so.

I hope you liked my lovely surprise mwahaha >:D


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