Question Tag

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A lot of you requested I did the Q and A, and I've recently been tagged to do the question tag here on Wattpad (by the lovely equestrianism_). So I'm going to go ahead and answer the questions, tag some people, and if you still have some questions for me you can comment down below and I'll answer them in another update soon :)


1. Nickname
Moni or Mon or Mika

2. Eye color
Between brown and dark brown, kinda like a chocolate brown.

3. Hair color
Brown again- a little more dark than light but not super dark. It really depends on the lighting.

4. One fact about you
I've been writing stories ever since I could print letters (around age 4). 

5. Favorite color
Green!! It's a long story, my best friend's favorite color was green and so I decided I would like green as well and I eventually came to love it.

6. Favorite place
Um I really don't have bed, gymnastics gym, bookstores, and school.

7. Favorite celebrity
I don't know if she counts but recently I've been obsessed with Brynn Rumfallo. And I also really like Autumn Miller. They're both dancers :)

8. Favorite animal
I really don't have one...owls and turtles I guess.

9. Favorite song
Er I don't know...since this is Catching Fire: Prim I'll say [Safe and Sound] by Taylor Swift.

10. Favorite book
Right now [Divergent] by Veronica Roth, before that it was [The Titan's Curse] by Rick Riordan, before that was [The Hunger Games] by Suzanne Collins, and before that [Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire] by JK Rowling. Basically whichever fandom I'm into that moment.


Tag 20 people:

1. quotationmark

2. sierraaluvstoread

3. swiftyhayleyeverlark

4. LebryantCurry

5. JewelOfAnniera

6. PendragonFilms

7. NicoleWang77

8. Kat_Lefevre

9. maddiemillsurg

10. JaewonMin0905

11. Starburst758

12. Yolo237writterreader

13. City_of_Fandom

14. divergentcatchingjay


16. PixelSpectrum

17. mikaxoxo02

18. Ro5aN3

19. 20charlie11

20. Liseforlife


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