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I spent almost three days trekking over winding, snow-covered paths, hiking over mountains, and sneaking past Forsworn camps before I finally made it to Markarth.

It was late at night when I arrived. The guards at the gate stopped me. "You there, what business do you have in Markarth?"

"Please." I put on my best pleading face and made my voice crack and squeak. "I was attacked by the wild men, and they nearly killed me." Now I was thankful for the blood all over my armor. Made my lie more convincing. "I just need a place to stay."

"All right. Go on in." They opened the gates for me, one holding his arm towards the opening.

"Oh, thank you." I limped through the gates, but once they slammed shut behind me, I stood up straight and snickered.


Now to get to Understone Keep. I walked through the torchlit streets, taking in all the sights. The city was made completely from stone, as if carved from the mountains it was nestled in. Gold and bronze accents made the gray stone a little less dull, the metals gleaming in the firelight. The towering structures all around me made me feel small. Insignificant. Unneeded. It reminded me of how unimportant I was when put to scale with the rest of the world. If I were to disappear, the world would keep turning. People would move on.

As if nearly dying did not teach me that lesson.

The guards were hesitant to let me into Understone Keep, but let me pass when I said I had a question for Calcelmo. They told me that I would find him in the cavern to the left, then let me pass.

The Keep was cold and damp, like a cave. In fact, the entrance resembled a cave. It had moss hanging from the ceiling and torches set up in random sconces on the walls. I followed the guards' instructions and took the first left, entering into a massive cavern complete with an underground river. I was quite surprised by the size. And I had to admit, after looking at it long enough, it possessed a unique beauty.

I stopped staring at my surroundings and instead focused on the man wearing simple mage robes. He had his back to me, and was hunched over a table. He did not seem to notice me.

"Excuse me." The man did not move. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Excuse me."

He spun around, anger evident on his bearded face. "What are you doing here? This excavation site is closed. I don't need anymore guards or workers." He waved his hand back towards the way I came in. "Now, please, off with you."

"I was looking for you, actually."

"I told you I'm not hiring any more guards. Why do you people always bother me when I'm trying to finish my research? You idiot. Do you even know who I am? The most recognized scholar on the Dwemer in all of Tamriel, and you people keep bothering me!"

I reeled back, genuinely hurt. He did not even know who I was, and he called me an idiot. "I... I...."

He sighed and held up one hand to stop my stuttering. "I... I'm sorry I... I got too excited. I'm in the middle of some very... stressful work, and I shouldn't have yelled. How can I help you?"

"Well, sir, you see...." I shifted my balance from one foot to the other. After having this man yell at me, saying he was the most recognized scholar on the Dwemer, I figured I could use his ego to my advantage. Acting like a starstruck admirer of his work might do the trick. "I've come all the way from Winterhold to see you."

"See me?" He blushed under his beard. "Dear child, what for?"

"I admire your research, and I was wondering, could I... I mean, would you allow me to see your newest studies?"

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