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After Brynjolf and I had our moment, after I told him about everything that had happened since I last saw him, we moved into the Flagon, where the others were waiting for us. Bryn leaned against the bar, and I sat in the closest chair to Vex. Del looked at both Bryn and me, then he smiled.

Old codger, I thought. He can sniff out romance like dumb hound dog.

I shifted in my seat, trying not to look at Bryn. We needed to focus on the present danger, not each other. "What's our next move?"

"Find out what Mercer has planned," said Del. "Where he's gone, since he left ya in that tomb."

"Fair enough, but how? It's not like he left breadcrumbs."

"Someone needs to infiltrate his house," said Bryn.

"Aren't we in his house?"

"No. He owns a home, one the Black-Briars gave him after they evicted the previous owner. He rarely stays there; he pays for the upkeep and has some watchdog named Vald guard the place."

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Vex choke on her drink.

"You okay, Vex?" I asked as she pounded a fist to her chest. "Do you know Vald?"

"We have a... history." Her eyes narrowed. "Not my finest moment."

Bryn cleared his throat before I could ask Vex anymore questions. "Whoever goes in there will need to get Vald out of the way."

"Any ideas on how to do that?" asked Karliah, speaking up for the first time. She seemed to be content with sitting in the shadows and watching us debate on our strategies.

"You'll have to buy him off," said Vex. "Or, if we send you," She jabbed a finger at me, "you might be able to use your looks to get him out of the way."

My brow shot up. "My looks?"

"You're pretty, you look young, and you're exotic. Just his type. He's dumber than a bag of rocks, but he loves to show off his strength. Act like you need his help, and he'll cave."

I raised an eyebrow. "And you actually liked this guy?"

"Like I said, not my finest moment."

Brynjolf shook his head, face downcast. "Femke going is out of the question."

We all turned to Bryn. I furrowed my brow. "What are you talking about?"

"You know what. Mercer nearly killed you. Your wounds still aren't healed. If you go—"

"I walked all the way to Markarth. I fought off madmen and cave bears. I nearly got eaten by a snow cat! I am perfectly fine, Bryn. If I can get Vald out of the way, it's worth it."

Vex nodded. "She's right, Bryn. Mercer has to be stopped."

I gave her a smile. She returned it with a shrug. Glad to know I had one ally in this.

He sighed, ran a hand down his jaw. "Fine, but I'm going with you."

"Two thieves are better than one," said Delvin. "Seems like the best idea."

I nodded. "All right. It's settled. Bryn and I are going. I'm going to distract Vald so Bryn can get inside. Once he's in, then what?"

"Getting in may be troublesome." Bryn scratched his beard thoughtfully. "Mercer had some special ramp installed behind the house, for quick escapes. It's the best way in, but there's no way to work the mechanism from the ground. I can't pick the front door open, and if I go to the back, Vald might see me."

Walk in the ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now