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Thinking it was Cadence, he leaped out of his seat on the couch and made a mad dash for the door.

He swung it open quickly to reveal not Cadence McAllister, but Addy. His smile fell in disappointment.

"Uh...what are you doing here? How did you know where I live?" Gerry asked suspiciously.

"Neighbors. Duh." She rolled her eyes, bored, and stepped into his house.

"Oh. Right."

Addy surveyed the interior of the house quickly, her beaded shoulder bag bouncing up and down as she walked.

Gerry felt intruded, but reminded him self constantly that it was for Cadence(and their future two kids, one girl one boy, and the white picket fence around their house in suburban California and...).

"So where's your room? Never mind, found it! It's the messiest one right?" Addy called from the top of the stairs. Gerry stopped zoning out.

"Uh...yeah?" He jogged up the stairs to his room.

Embarrassingly, he wasn't the neatest person.

"Holy Guacamole," Addy breathed out in shocked awe.

"I know, I know, the mess is a bit, well, messy, but my room isn't always like this. It was just a bad day-"

"No," Addy cut off Gerry's rambling, "not your room. Your closet. It looks like you either kept all your clothes from the third grade or your mom still shops for you."

Gerry shifted from foot to foot sheepishly.

"Well. I mean. Uh-" Addy shoved the hangers off of the rod and the clothes to the back of the closet, making room.

"We'll need to get rid of these and go shopping for new clothes. Let's go!"

"I don't see anything wrong with my clothes, why can't I keep them?" Gerry fidgeted nervously for speaking up.

"Because, silly, my sister doesn't go for 'eh' types. Don't you want to be 'wow'?"

"Well, yes, but-"

"Exactly. That's what I'm here for. You should be grateful. Now let's go! To the mall!" Gerry held back a sad sigh.

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