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It'd been three days since his transformation and she hadn't taken notice of him, even when Addy and he had sat near her. She saw her sister of course, but Gerry was pretty much obsolete.

Her head tilted back in laughter and Gerry sighed.

"Hey!" Addy snapped.


"Are you even listening to me?" She demanded.

"Yes," Gerry said quickly. He had began to fear his friendship with Addy more than revel in it, and missed Dena and Carlos but he knew he was better off without them.

Addy narrowed her eyes and continued talking, hands gesturing wildly as she did. Gerry resumed staring quite obviously at Cadence.

"Cadie!" Addy yelled and waved towards her sister and Gerry froze. What was she doing?

"Trust me on this," she said to Gerry. He was too terrified to even react.

"Adelaide," Cadence smirked as Addy scowled, obviously not liking that name.

"This is our neighbor! His mom invited us over for dinner tomorrow!" Addy yelled back.

Gerry paled and stared at Cadence and Addy, watching the exchange, terror stricken across his face.

"Hey, George!" Cadence said brightly. Gerry was in such awe that she even talked to him that he couldn't speak.

"Hi," he managed to squeak out.

Their eyes locked for a second, or so he thought, and then Cadence turned around again.

"See?" Addy said with a triumphant grin.

"But-but what am I going to do now? We didn't really invite you guys over..."

"So make it happen. I trust you Gerry, you'll be able to figure it out." Addy patted his head and she continued to eat, leaving Gerry without an appetite and in fear of the day to come.

He felt particularly troubled even as his mom picked him up after school. She must've sensed his worry, and she turned the radio on to diffuse whatever problem was on his mind.

At first it was just bothersome as Gerry was trying extremely hard to think of a way to tell his mom what Addy had basically forced upon him. Suddenly, it became a personal revelation. 

"Call 1-800-SOS-LOVE for the cure for love! Nighttime talk show for all of love and life's problems with the one and only, Reality MD." The ad chirped. Gerry's face lit up. Finally, a place for advice. [lol dis is my cameo w/Percy from my other story Cure for Love #shamelessselfpromotion #gocheckitout]

He sat through dinner anxiously, did his homework distractedly, and laid in bed waiting for midnight to call. As soon as his alarm went off, he dialed the number, already set into speed dial as part of his preparation. 

Gerry impatiently awaited the voice of the host, listening eagerly to the dial tone. 

"Hi! You've reached Cure for Love. What's your ailment, and can I help you find a remedy?" 

"Uh," Gerry said. Now that he'd called in, he realized that he hadn't exactly planned what to say. After a long pause he then launched into a full explanation of his agreement with Addy and how Cadence was possibly the most perfect person to grace the Earth. He also rambled about the impending dinner his mom didn't even know she was cooking. [ok yeah so Gerry isn't the most realistic dude but that's one of his character flaws. plus, who else is sensing that Addy is up to some real shady shiz?] 

"Wow." Reality said. "Seems like you're in quite a pickle. The best advice I think that anyone can act on is to be yourself. You shouldn't change for anyone, no matter how much you love them. If they want you to change as a requirement to be with them, it's not worth it. You seem pretty cool, Gerry. Just act like you normally would around her. But don't act indifferent or she'll think you're uninterested. And as for the dinner thing, just tell your mom the truth. It sounds like she'll understand." Gerry smiled. It felt like a whole weight was lifted off of his shoulders. 

"Thanks, Reality!" 

"You're welcome, friend. Good luck!"

He heard the dial tone and he flopped onto his bed, heaving out a long sigh. Tomorrow, he resolved, he would tell his mom. But for now...sleep. He was tired from staying up until midnight (his bedtime is ten) and quickly dozed off. 

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