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He knew that today was the day that Cadence would look at him not for the weirdo he is, but the fake cool person he will be.

As he straightened his jacket in front of the mirror, he wondered why it felt wrong.

"It must be just nerves," he dismissed his thoughts readily. "Yeah." He convinced himself.

He went downstairs quickly and smelled the amazing breakfast his mom had made.

"Hey honey, would you like some-" she turned around and stopped mid sentence.

Gerry held his breath, wondering what his mom thought of him, or rather his new self.

"Wow, Gerry, new look?"

"Yeah." He said.

"I think it's nice," his mother replied, sensing his slight insecurity. All of Gerry's nerves dissipated at the sight of her smile.

If his mom approves, surely other teenagers will, Gerry thought, rushing through breakfast in anticipation for the day.

"Bye mom! Love you!" He yelled as he ran out the door, backpack slung over one shoulder, and not late. (Though he did occasionally check to see if he was wearing clothes.)

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