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The rest of the mall trip was excruciating. Only now did Gerry understand why his mom felt tired after shopping trips.

His arms were weighed down with bags upon bags of new clothes and shoes that would somehow enhance his appearance. Addy had been right so far, Gerry thought, frowning at his reflection in a shop window.

It bothered him that he never could see all of his flaws before now. Even worse, his friends whom he'd trusted and been with for years never said a thing about how his long hair was looking a bit disheveled, his acne looking like a pizza was smeared over his forehead, and the geeky, childish way he dressed. He was too tall for his age, a sales clerk remarked, while helping to find clothes. His nose was too prominent, and his jaw not enough, insisted another shop keeper. Every time he passed a mirror, he grimaced and glanced away quickly, hating to see himself like that. He wasn't eh, no, he was worse than that. But now he had Addy to guide him.

Addy's a real friend, he decided. (Real friends help you be better, right?)

The last stop was to a cosmetic consultant.

"Oh my," murmured Shelly, the consultant. "I'm glad you got him to me so soon, Addy dear, we can still save him."

"I know, we just discovered it." Addy sighed dramatically and started a casual conversation with Shelly.

Gerry felt embarrassment flush through his body. How long had he looked like this and not known?

Shelly started grabbing bottles, tubes, wipes, and handing them to Addy.

Gerry hoped with all his might that this would work, that he would fix all his flaws, somehow find the perfect remedy to all of his imperfections.

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