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"Of course you do. You think everything is a bad idea."

"Why are we whispering?" Carlos asked.

Dena and Gerry glared at Carlos, gesturing to their surroundings. They were in the library, residence of four viscous librarians.

"Ok wait, so the reason you think this won't totally backfire on you is...that your mom approves of your new look?" Dena shook her head, purple curls of hair flying.

"Eh. She has a point," Carlos shrugged.

"What we're trying to say is that there's nothing wrong with you, nothing to change-" Dena began.

"You know what? At least my mom is supportive of me. You're not even a real friend. Addy is! If you two were real friends then you would've tried to change me earlier, but instead you lied to my face and said there was nothing wrong!" Gerry said loudly.

The librarians glared at the trio.

Gerry huffed in frustration and stormed out of the room.

Suddenly, Dena and Carlos heard slow clapping from the behind them. They turned to see Addy walking towards them with a nefarious grin.

"Too true, Gerry, too true. Now do you see? He's chosen me over you. So I think I'll go find my friend and have lunch. I'd invite you two, but it's rude for ex friends to intrude on a friend thing." She said with a sickeningly sweet fake voice.

Addy calmly stalked off and Dena fumed. Oh how she wanted to give Addy a pice of her mind--but if she did, Addy would manipulate it in some way against her.

Why couldn't Gerry see that truly nothing was wrong with him?

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