Chapter 6: Detection

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Michelangelo can die happy.

The rest of his family is focused on patrol but Michelangelo can't stop staring at his phone. Annalise said his screen name. Annalise smiled and announced his screen name while trumpets blared and fake confetti rained down around it. She has fully acknowledged his existence not once, but twice.

Hence, he can die happy.

He wants to laugh at anyone who says that lightning doesn't strike the same spot twice. He is on top of the world and if it weren't for something he noticed in the video, he'd be sailing straight up into space.

She didn't seem happy. He watched her announce the names with her normal smile, and yet he couldn't help but notice that her eyes weren't sparkling and her voice was almost too perky to be genuine. Maybe it was the stress of getting the names out so soon, but if his little cupcake isn't happy, then that's something that he can't ignore.

He scrolls into the comments and starts typing.

PizzaNunchucker: Thank you so much! This is so amazing! :DDD

He pauses, frowns, and deletes it before trying again.

PizzaNunchucker: Can't believe I won!!! AHHH!!! :D But...idk if it's just me, but are you okay? This video contest thing must have been super stressful ;-;

He sends it and pockets his phone, wandering after his family as they enter Washington Square Park. It's easy enough for them to avoid any late night stragglers and the trees provide nice shadows for them to linger in if the need be.

They come to a stop near some picnic tables, Destiny climbing onto it while she turns in slow circles and searches their surroundings for spectators. The park is empty.

"Man, I almost wish there was something to pound," Raphael complains as he spins one sai. He flops down on the picnic table and huffs.

"Almost?" Destiny echoes as she steps off the table.

He rolls his eyes. "Okay, I definitely wish there was something to pound."

Donatello takes a seat next to his brother, elbows perched on his knees, chin on his hands. "Who would've thought that this city could actually be peaceful," he murmurs.

"Not even a bank robbery to stop," Sarina agrees as she flops down and rests her head on Donatello's shoulder. "Tragic, yet not."

"There could be something out here," Leonardo insists, standing with his shell turned to them. He stares at their surroundings with a noticeable intensity. "We're ninjas. We need to have something to battle or else our art will go extinct!"

"Woah there, drama queen," Raphael says. "We're just saying it's peaceful for once."

"Nothing here about ninjutsu dying out," Destiny adds.

Leonardo turns to his team, shoulders sagging. " get what I'm saying, right? If there's no one for the ninjas to fight, the need for ninjas is..."

"Non-existent," Sarina finishes.

"Obsolete," Donatello adds.



"Oh-kay, thank you for solidifying the fact that you are both brainiacs," Leonardo sighs.

The couple smacks their hands together lightly as they share a grin. Michelangelo finally looks up from his t-phone, shifting on his feet.

"So, if someone was in trouble but you don't know where they live, how could you find out?" he asks with a forced, casual smile.

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