Chapter 30: Under Her Skin

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"I have to admit, I'm surprised," Circa says as she wanders about in Sarina's brainscape, hands held behind her back. "I mean, I planned all along to take you as my host, but I truly did not expect you to give yourself up. You made it easy."

Sarina purses her lips. "I isolated you from the cyberverse and saved my family. I would do it again in a heartbeat."

A whirring chuckle rolls through Circa as she turns around. " didn't save all of them."

"Speaking of which," Sarina says, holding back the bristle of annoyance that spikes in her chest. "I managed to figure out what exactly you were aiming to do, and yet, I cannot figure out why you would do it. What do you have to gain from holding her captive or plunging the world into chaos?"

The virus' black eyes glitter. "I was bored, searching for something to alleviate the woes of my existence, and Annalise was an easy target. She was so trusting, so eager to become my friend and..." She hums a little. "That robot of hers put some lovely thoughts in my head. Even when she threw me away like I was nothing—"

Her hair sparks, eyes turning red, and Sarina's palms start to glow in defense. Circa takes a deep breath, simmering back down to normal, then clears her throat.

"Even when she threw me away, I had this feeling. She would be useful to me one day," she muses. "I was right. Her videos, Michelangelo's endless, sickening devotion to led me to you." She zooms closer, reaching out to caress Sarina's chin. "My dear..."

Sarina brushes her hand away. "And you're punishing her now? For growing up?"

"She used me, treated me like a plaything, and when she was done with me, that was it," Circa retorts. "After everything I did and the time I spent, she couldn't even spare a minute to give me the one thing I desired." She runs her hands over her hair and sighs, a wistful gaze taking over her slender features. "But now, the tables have turned. She is mine, my toy, and she's paying for her crimes against me."

"She was a child!" Sarina retorts, raising her voice and making the virus arch an eyebrow. "She had no reason to believe that Rainbow was real, no reason to believe that you were anything more than imaginary." She shuts her eyes, head shaking to and fro. "I am sorry that you lost your friend, but—"


She recoils at the burst of noise as Circa hovers a bit in the air, shoulders quaking, seething. After a few more seconds, Circa brings herself back down to the floor, albeit her shaking doesn't stop and her glare is venomous.

"She...was a means to a host body, an annoying waste of time and energy," she utters through her teeth. "And do not think for one second that I am doing this because of a bleeding heart."

"There are smarter beings out there. If you never truly cared about Annalise, then why would you stick around? Why waste time with a child when you could have found a robotics lab filled to the brim with adults and technology beyond your wildest dreams?" Sarina wonders. "Furthermore...I have never seen someone act out such petty revenge without being hurt in some way, and hurt..." She rests her hand over her heart as a tiny smile lifts her lips. "Hurt comes from caring for others."

Circa bares her teeth and her pupils expand, creating brighter beacons of red beams that stare into Sarina's soul. "You do not know me," she enunciates. "I..." Her gaze darts away for a split second and her hands clench into fists. Her words gain speed as she speaks. "I am not bound by the weaknesses of humans. You are entertainment to me and don't ever think that there is anything else I am motivated by!"

"Circa, were you ever human?"

The virus' entire body seems to glow with rage. "Why don't you wake up and stop pestering me for a while? It will give me time to think about how I will take over."

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