Chapter 11: Too Much

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"All of you have heard of virtual reality," Sarina says, acting as a professor teaching to her less-than-eager pupils. "Well, Donatello and I have a plan to create a machine that can send us into the cyberverse and destroy this threat from the inside." She gazes at her boyfriend lovingly. "I must give credit where it is due, Donatello came up with the idea."

Donatello beams at her. "And you made it better, darling."

More loving gazes between the two stretch the silence to awkward lengths, prompting Leonardo to clear his throat. Sarina's eyes flash and Donatello blinks rapidly, flashing a sheepish smile as he dons his professional visage.

"Ah, yes, about the machine," he says. "It will require lots of work and there's a high probability of never returning to the real world, but after seeing the virus' intentions, it's imperative that we do this." His russet eyes darken. "It's the only way."

"Dudes...that's like level nine video game booyakasha!" Michelangelo gushes.

Leonardo strokes his chin, humming. "Even so, we don't know much about this virus. Trying to beam ourselves into the depths of cyberspace could be really dangerous, especially with an unknown enemy."

"That is true," Sarina says. "However, this machine will not be built overnight. During the time it takes, Donatello and I will discover as much as we can about the virus so that, when the time comes, we will be prepared."

"And let me guess," Raphael cuts in. "That's why we brought the shrimp home?"

Annalise pouts a little and crosses her arms. "I'm not that short."

Raphael shrugs, indifferent, while Donatello and Sarina ignore the snark in his tone completely as they nod.

"That is exactly why we need her," Sarina says.

"If she's as good with computers as she says she is, she has a skill set that we can use," Donatello adds. "Sarina and I will have lots on our hands and having a kindred spirit will speed up the process. I imagine she can design the cyberverse outfits, weapons, communication—"

"Hold up, you want me to design weapons and outfits?" Annalise repeats with a gasp. "That's wicked!" Her excitement falters and her shoulders slump. " problem, I can't really draw or anything, so blueprints and prototypes..." She sighs. "When it's code, I'm good. Otherwise..."

"Raph can help you with that," Destiny pipes up.

Raphael shoots her a glare. "Why me? I can't draw either."

"Right, like the Venus de Milo on the Party Wagon wasn't your handiwork." She smirks and looks to Annalise. "He'll help you."

Annalise nods and aims a smile at Raphael. "Thank you."


With that decided, Sarina and Donatello launch into a further explanation, albeit most of it is them talking to each other with increasingly flowery vocabulary being used. It's enough for Michelangelo to zone out and focus on something else: Annalise. In her videos, she's funny and perky and she oozes confidence, but he's almost sad to say that she isn't anything like that in real life. So far, she's more calm, soft-spoken, and thoughtful. She stands with her arms crossed over her chest, lips pursed and eyes wide, like she's just waiting for a chance to disappear.

His chest tightens and he reminisces about her admitting to some of the stress she's felt lately and the announcement video where her usual energy just isn't there. The question he wants answers to is simple; is her personality on YouTube an act or is it a part of her that has started to drain away, giving way to this hidden part of her? Or—the thought alone shakes him—she's faked it all and the girl he's hopelessly celebrity-crushed on for years is nothing more than an idealized caricature. He truly hopes that it's the former.

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