40.You are not evil.. but you are still bad

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" What else do you even want to know?"

" How do you fly?"

" Why do you ask that?"

" Because I want to know how you fly"

" There is something called as wings that we own"

Fort and me were sitting at that ledge chatting about shit.
It felt good to have a normal conversation with Fort. I liked to see this pleasant and calm side of him. A few months back, if I thought of this I would have said this is impossible, Fort cannot have a good side. But I guess every species, even devils do something right and even angels do something wrong.

" How do I believe they arnt some Victoria Secret angel wings you rigged" I asked squinting my eyes

He rolled his eyes and gave me a tight lip smile.

" Fine. In that case let's do something... Fun today"

" I am not honestly in a mood to have sex or any form of pleasure. Not here please. "I groaned

" You are the one who is talking about sex. Fun doesn't always mean sex genius"

I blushed. Okay I am being like an ass today.

" I thought fun is sex in Fortictionary. " I shrugged

" Well fun is.... Flying" He winked

" What???"

" Flying. I have barely ever flyed in my life and Mr Detective girl wants a proof on the authenticity of my lustrous pair of wings. "

" Wait wait wait!!! Flying? What do you mean flying"

" I really wonder how are you going to pass 12th grade with such a poor vocabulary. Flying is moving or able to move through the air with wings."

" Ugh! I know what flying is but you wanna fly... What the fuck!"

" Yep. So are you."

" WHAT?! Fort please talk English! " I asked anxious

" I am going to fly and take you for a trip. Okay I am not flying higher than the clouds.A short trip."

" What if someone sees us!!!?"

" Well I am a known rebel."

" I am not going anywhere in the air without an airplane or a hot air balloon or a helicopter.

" You trust modern tech more than me" He said clutching his chest pretending to be hurt .

" Of course I do! What if your wings don't work or they.... like... Break or something"

" You realize that they arent made of plastic and they are like grown on my body. So it takes more than a little jut of wind to break them baby"

" Still! I ain't flying! "

" You are such a Negetive Nancy"

" Nope I am Fantastic Flo." I huffed

" You mean Fort right because fantastic and Flo don't go in the same sentence. "

" Hey! I am very adventurous I just know the line between adventure and Idiocy." I huffed crossing my arms across my chest.

" Then" He held his hand out. " Trust me.. I am not going to drop you. "

" I -I trust you but... If you get caught... You'll be screwed in a bad way."

" So there is a good way to get screwed too?" He asked quizzically

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