Chapter five

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Chapter 5
Deal making


I roll over to come in contact with something cold. I open my eyes to see I am cuddled up to a pillow.

I let my feet touch the ground as I head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth then throw my hair up in a bun.

I then jump in the shower and rinse off. Once I get out I wrap the towel around my body. I walk out of the bathroom and walk in the room.

I walk up to my bed seeing Bailey laying on it. He winks at me. "Get off my bed" I say in disgust.

"Hey baby girl you do know this is MY bed I just let you have it last night saying it looked like you were having a bad day yesterday" he says standing up off my bed.

I roll my eyes. I undo my hair as He walks away. I grab my clothes and go behind my changing screen that I brought with me. I drop my towel and slip on my panties

Just as I'm about done hooking my bra the screen goes down. "What the heck" I scream.

"I was dying to see behind it" Bailey shouts.

"Staaaap" I say finishing hooking up my bra.

I place my hands on my hip and eye him. God if looks could kill He would be on the ground. I notice he is staring back at me. But not in the way I imagine.

He is eyeing me like I am a piece of candy. I look down at my panties and bra. Seeing they don't match at all. As Brandon would say. "Girl get your life together, your undergarments do not match."

Me being me, I would argue with him about how nobody would see it. And he would just chuckle at me.

I can't help but smile and then frown slowly realizing that I miss him. I walk to the closet that I took over and start looking threw my clothes.

I pull out a simple day outfit; a pair of rainbow shorts and then a gray looking color crop top. Classes didn't start until 2 days.

"Awwe man I was loving that new look" Bailey says.

I turn to him. There he is again with his eyes glued to his phone. "Your always on that phone" I say to him.

He shakes his head. "Yea, what is your point" he ask?

"I bet you can't go all day without your phone" I say smiling.

"Can to" he argues.

"Want to make a deal" I ask him?

He looks up at me with a questionable look. "Keep talking" he says laying his phone screen down.

"If you can go all day with being on your phone you can have this bed" I said.

He eyes me like he did early. Before sticking his hand in front of me. "Deal" he says.

I smile and connect my hand with his.


Sorry it's kind of short.

I'll be updating Friday! 😘😘

So with that being said,

-Maddddie out!😘✌️

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