Chapter eleven

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Just like I promised!

Here is

Chapter 11

Worst day ever


Waking up feeling like this is not what I planned. I roll over feeling my body pressed against something warm. I wrap my legs around what is up against me.

I slightly lift my eyelids, closing them back. Once I reanalyze what I just saw I jump. "Bailey what in the heck" I scream.

He looks at me and rolls over. He lies in his underwear as I am in my bra and panties. "Bailey what happen" I ask?

He doesn't answer. He just moans loudly. He stands up, and stubbles a little. I grab a shirt off of the floor and sniff it. Eh it doesn't smell. I slip it on.

"Bailey" I say again.

"Will you just shut up" he says with no tone in his voice.

I roll my eyes. I run over to my almost dead phone to see the time. "Omg I'm late" I panicked.

I grab my phone and throw it in my bag. I slip on some shorts and my flip flops and run out. I run jet fast to my class.

When I run in everyone stares at me. Just like high school. As I take a deep breath I look for a seat. Seeing the last seat next to. Elliot. Of course who wants to sit next to the biggest douche bag.

I roll my eyes and sit down. The professor just looks at me and doesn't say anything. "Nice shirt" Elliot chuckles.

I look down at my shirt to see a big enormous stain. I gasp causing a few eyes to look my way. "And today we will be going to a court room to see how things work" the professor says.

Omg. This can't be happening. This is the worst day ever. I pull out my phone and start texting Bailey.

Me; Bailey I NEED A FAVOR?

Bailey😒; what is it?

Me; My class is leaving is about 15 minutes to go to a court room. And I look like crap. Can you bring me a shirt?

Bailey😒; no

Me; but Bailey! Come on plz! I'll do anything!

Bailey😒; anything?

Me; yes anything.

Bailey😒; what About-

My phone dies. Oh my gosh. This could be the worst day ever.


"Rilen what are you doing" Elliot asked me?

"Waiting" I say bouncing my leg.

"For" he ask being the curious little boy he is?

"RILLEN" a voice shouts from a distance.

I turn my head to see Bailey running towards me with no shirt on. "Oh my god. I could kiss you right now" I say.

"Please do" He says grinning.

I roll my eyes. "Here take this also"he hands me a pill.

"Why? What is this" I question before I take something someone just gave me?

"It's going to help with that headache" he confirms.

"But I don't have a headache" I say.

"You will" he says. I shake my head and go with it.

I run to the bathroom real fast. I put it on and take the pill. I then  run back out. "How do I look" I ask?

"Wonderful" he gives me a thumbs up.

I look down at my shirt. "I am a fuzzy Bunny" I read my shirt out loud, looking at the bunny on my shirt.

"Bailey" I stomp my foot.

"What it's cute" he grins.

"Whyyyy" I ask getting mad.

"Because you are a cute bunny" he grabs my cheeks.

"I hate you" I shout getting on the bus.

"Not what you said last night" he screams where everyone can hear him.

I duck in my seat. I hope to god he is joking. "Is she dating him" a girl tries to whisper.

"I don't know but why her. She is so....her" another girl says leading into a giggle.

I turn around. "Haha what's so funny" I ask?

"Are you and Josh dating" She ask me?

"Who" I ask?

"Josh the guy that just gave you a shirt" she points to the window.

"His name is Bailey" I laugh.

"No I think it's Josh" she puts her finger to her chin.

"See this is where you are wrong. You've slept with so many guys you can't even remember his name. I would tell you to just start writing their names down but you'll be wasting so many papers" I spit at her.

She jumps up but her friend holds her back. "Molly no. You can't get in anymore trouble" her friend whispers.

"Yea Molly. Sit down" I say in a very rude tone.

"Your going to wish you didn't say anything to me" she says.

"Try me" I say turning back around.

Why did I just do that? Am I that jealous? God I could have got myself killed!

"We're here" someone shouts.

Thank god.

I jump off the bus. "Oh I really like your shirt now" Elliot says to me.

"Yea screw off" I roll my eyes.


Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed! If so give this chapter thumbs up! Make sure you leave comments below. I'll try to upload as soon as possible. This chapter was fun to write.

Byyyyye love you

-Maddie 😘👌

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