2.) Mate?!

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   I was thinking about my mate as I was walking down the hall. I was just about to turn the corner when I hit into a hard wall. Or what I thought  was a wall.  Sparks were going off everywhere. They shot up my arm making me gasp.

   “MATE!” Something screamed in me. I guess that was my inner wolf. I pushed her aside, so that I could look at my mate. I looked up with a giant smile on my face and saw something that made my smile falter just a bit. James. Alphas son James, to be more to the point.

   He had the most beautiful eyes. They were the colour of green sea. His dark brown hair falling in waves just above his eyes. I wanted to run my hands through it. My smile was quickly wiped off when he shoved me roughly up against a wall. My back pressed hard against the wall, his hands pinning me in place. I shook off my surprise. This had to be a game right? He was just playing with me. He had to be. 

   I looked into his beautiful eyes. His eyes were hard. His voice gruff, sending shivers up my spine, said. “Listen Chloe” He said my name like it was a bad taste in his mouth.That's not how he was suppose to say it.  “I don't want you. I am the next Alpha. My mate” He sneers the word.” should be beautiful, smart and strong. Not ugly, stupid and weak! You will NEVER be Luna of this pack!! I do NOT want you!” His words are breaking my heart, well what's left of it. He wouldn’t do what I think he is going to do was he? My wolf whimpered in pain, at the thought. She had her ears down and her tail in between her legs. I pushed myself further into the wall, as if that would stop him from hurting me. Even if it has never before.  I didn't want him to reject me.

   Before I can think more on it he continues, without hesitation. “ I, James Clipper, rejected you Chloe Kaden as a mate.” He walks off, I sink to the ground, holding my tears in. He didn't, he didn't, he didn't. My mind was on repeat. 

   He stops at the end of the hallway. I was starting to think that he had changed his mind and he was going to apologize to me. Take me back like it was suppose to be, like the fates had decided. He doesn't turn around, only says “ You are nothing to me.” over his shoulder.

   My heart has officially broken. I have nothing left. I felt nothing. I am nothing. My mind whispered James’s words to me.  I felt the tears streaming down my cheeks. The one to love me no matter what. The one to hold me when I was sad. The one to make me smile. The one to hold my hand and scare off all my fears and say that everything was going to be okay. My other half......Rejected me.

   No correction, he didn't want me. I was nothing to him. No one in this pack wanted me. Not my brother, not my Alpha, and not my mate. What was the point in staying here? To get beat up on? To watch my mate be happy with another she wolf?  Watch him have a proper mate, a beautiful, smart and perfect Luna?

   No, I don't think that I could live through that. No, the only reason I stayed here for this long was the hope of having a loving mate, and the broken dream of having my big brother love me.  

   I hurried up to my ‘room’ or what could be called a broom closet. It had a flat old mattress that was lying on the ground. No dresser, no closet, nothing, but a blanket. A giant blanket that I had saved that my mum had made for me. Along with my mattress and blanket, I had only a few pieces of clothing.  

   I closed the door behind me, silent tears running down my face. I was going to leave. Leave and never return. I couldn't take this anymore. I had nothing left. My mate rejecting me was the last straw.

                                                           I was going to go rogue.


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