21.) Who Signed Me Up For This?

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Chloe P.O.V.

I walked out to the field that I would be using for training. God, they didn't even have a gym. This was going to be a long trip. But getting my brother back was a big plus. I smiled at that thought. If someone had said to me two days ago that I would be going to go see my old pack, see my mate, see my brother, and forgive him. I would have punched them in the face. Now.....well lets say I would be helping them off of the ground.

Walking over to the end of the territory , I waited for Mike to sound the whistle. It was a dog whistle. Mike and Matt’s idea of a joke. I am not even going to get into that one. Lets just say that it involved them sounding that off at 5am for training and waking us all up. It hurts the hears, a lot. It also involved a couple of broken fingers or two.

As the whistle blow I shot off. I pushed myself to go as fast as I could. It would make up for not training yesterday. I had to run as fast as I could, from the edge of the territory to where the training field was. I didn't know how far that was, but let me tell you it was pretty look. And I do long.

I was going to be a demonstration. The whole Moonstone pack plus Chase, Mike, Matt and Zoey were all their. Chase would have just told them about the rules and about me racing. We did this at every pack we went to.

I shot past trees going faster than a bullet. Which I could. I had that tested a while back. Jumping over a fallen tree, I zoomed to where Matt was holding a timer. I pushed myself faster. I was going so fast that I looked liked I teleported there. It would have been a very good guess to, the only problem with that was that when I got to such speeds I tended to create a lot of wind.

I stopped as soon as I reached Matt. Brakes aren't my strong suit. I ended up making a dirt trail. Opps. I snickered in my head. “ How did I do?” I asked, almost jumping on Matt in my excitement. I knew, just KNEW that I had broken one of my records.

I was looking at him, I knew he was stalling just to annoy me. “ MATT, I SWEAR I WILL HIT YOU SO HARD THAT YOU WILL BE CRYING BACK TO YOUR MOMMY!” I shouted at him, knowing he would do it now.

“ Gez Chloe, I was just having some fun. And what do you know. You bet the record in half. Congrats. “He said. I started to fist pump the air and saying “ WHOA! WHO DAT GIRL? I AM! WHOA”  

Chase shook his head with an amused smile “ Work to do Chloe.” Oh yeah. Oops. Like I really care though. Walking to the front of the shocked crowd, I might as well get this over with.  I spoke in a firm voice. “ For those who don't know me, my name is Chloe Kaden.” Whispers started to fly around. “ Quiet please, thank you. So as I was saying my name is Chloe Kaden and I am going to be your trainer for the time that I am here. You will follow any and everything I tell you to do. If anyone shall not do as I command then, well” I shrugged “ You'll have me to deal with. Any questions?”

My gaze sweeping the crowd. “ No? Okay lets get started. I want everyone to stay in human form for the next few class-” I was rudely interrupted by Julia.

“ Human form? You aren't going to teach us in wolf form? If we're going to fight we’ll be in wolf form not human. You're not training us, your wasting our time. “ Her shrill voice reaching my ears, making me almost cover them with my hands. Wow, I didn't think that the windows could handle that high of a pitch.

My lips tightened in a tight line. It's these kinds of people, that make my job harder. “ Wasting your time? Wasting your time?!?” I yelled at her. I faintly hear Chase whisper to the twins . “ Oh no. She went and did it now”

“ Do you think this is some kind of joke?!? There are hunters out there that want to rip any werewolf to shreds. And trust me it's not pretty. They wouldn’t kill you easy either. They will make you suffer. For a long time. As for wanting you guys in human form, You need to have equal strength in both forms. Or your wolf will over take your human. Don't underestimate your human side, they can take down a wolf. ”

I watched as everyone took in my words. Some seemed to accept this as the truth well as others....didn't seem to trust me. Which just pushed my wolf and me closer to the point of wanting to rip some of their heads off.

“ I  don't think that you could take on a wolf in human form.” Replied a guy in a deep voice. A buff looking guy with brown hair and light green eyes stepped forward. My best guess was that he was the one who had challenged me.

“ Oh yeah, how about you shift and I’ll take you on pup.” My flat tone drifted towards him. I raised an eyebrow. Waiting for his answer. By the confident smirk that played at his lips, I could guess what his answer would be.

Watching with narrowed eyes, I saw him come up to the front of the crowd. This was going to be fun. I told my wolf. Angelina barked in amusement. I smiled at her, in my head. She was really off. Since seeing her mate with someone else, shes been emotional. It was like a giant slam of super PMS. It was unnerving. And not fun.

Getting back to the task at hand, I placed a smirk at the pup in front of me. This was going to be fun indeed. “ Are you just going to stand there or are you going to shift?” I asked in a mocking tone. That got the puppy mad.

I guess he didn't like being disrespected. I almost laughed out loud at the sight of his wolf. It was the colour of mud. Not the pretty kind, the ugly kind. Real ugly kind. He was average sized werewolf.

We were a bigger than a wolf, not me I was a smaller werewolf, I was still bigger the a wolf. Most would see that as a disadvantage. But it was my greatest gift. It let me run faster and longer. It also gave me the idea of sliding under wolves.

He didn't even wait to size me up. He just jumped at me. Not that I wasn't expecting that. I stepped to the right. That got the pup even madder. He didn't really think i was going to let him get me that easily, did he?

He came running at me again. I stood my ground. Just as he reached me, I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and pushed him to the ground. He struggled against my hold. I pushed him further into the ground. His wolf seemed to know that I was the more dominant one. He stopped struggling. I smiled.

Hopping up I said “ Any more questions?”

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