26.) Men in black pants, and green shirts

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The first thought that I had, was that there was an unnatural pounding in my head. The second was that I was laying on a very hard and very cold surface. I tried to lift my head, but it hurt so much to do that small task. What the hell?

The only thing that could possible have this effect was.....wolfsbane. My head tried again, to snap up. Oh god! That hurt.

Angelina? I called out

I'm here Chloe, the wolfsbane hit me pretty bad. I am almost recovered though. Just a little bit more time, than I’ll be in tip top shape. She yipped out.

She was being strong for me, and I was grateful to her for that. She really was a great inner wolf. She didn't deserve me as her human side.

Hey! No thinking like that. You are me and I am you. We are eachother. If we didn't work together, than fate wouldn't have paired us together. Angelina barked out at me. But when has fate and me ever gotten along?  

Okay, okay! I said back. Snapping my head out from my chat with my wolf, I took a look at my surroundings.

I looked to be in a jail cell. There were two cement walls and two walls that were made out of what looked like silver bars. There were no windows, just the bars. The bars where across from where I was laying.

I slowly sat up. Feeling the tell tale of dizziness hit me. I sucked in a breath. I could deal with this. Compared to what I’ve been through, this was a paper cut. I rose to my feet, swaying slightly. I moved my way over to the bars.

I peered out, careful not to touch the bars. I could smell the silver on them. I walked as close as I dared and was shocked to see Alex, and Luke in one cell together. They were in a cell that was across from the one that I was in.

Luke! I yelled through the pack link. I saw him snap his head around. When his eyes fell upon my face, they brightened.

Oh thank god! I thought they had killed you! I kept calling out to you, but you didn't answer! Don't ever, EVER, do that to me again Chloe. Luke had tears in his eyes, but he pushed them back.

I nodded my head, I looked at Luke then down to the sleeping body of my brother. My gaze held a question that he immediately picked up on. Hes fine, still sleeping it off.

I nodded again. I was about to ask Luke what had happened when I heard a door opening. I swung my head around, at a very painful speed, to the direction of the sound. Almost like a scene out of a really bad horror movie, the door moved at a painfully slow speed.

Bright light shone, in the dark room. I saw a shape of a man walk into the room. Quickly followed by another. Lights turned on above my head. The light shone in my eyes, not letting me get a good view at the men. But from what I could smell, they were not werewolves.

Blinking I watched the two men before me. They were tall, both being around, 5’9 and 6’1. They were strong built, not giant muscles, but enough to know that they were there.

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